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* Copyright 2011 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Externs for jQuery 1.9.1
* Note that some functions use different return types depending on the number
* of parameters passed in. In these cases, you may need to annotate the type
* of the result in your code, so the JSCompiler understands which type you're
* expecting. For example:
* <code>var elt = /** @type {Element} * / (foo.get(0));</code>
* @see http://api.jquery.com/
* @externs
* @typedef {(Window|Document|Element|Array.<Element>|string|jQuery|
* NodeList)}
var jQuerySelector;
/** @typedef {function(...)|Array.<function(...)>} */
var jQueryCallback;
* @constructor
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Element|Object|Array.<Element>|jQuery|string|
* function())=} arg1
* @param {(Element|jQuery|Document|
* Object.<string, (string|function(!jQuery.event=))>)=} arg2
* @return {!jQuery}
function jQuery(arg1, arg2) {}
* @constructor
* @extends {jQuery}
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Element|Object|Array.<Element>|jQuery|string|
* function())=} arg1
* @param {(Element|jQuery|Document|
* Object.<string, (string|function(!jQuery.event=))>)=} arg2
* @return {!jQuery}
function $(arg1, arg2) {}
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Array.<Element>|string|jQuery)} arg1
* @param {Element=} context
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.add = function(arg1, context) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Array.<Element>|string|jQuery)} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.addBack = function(arg1) {};
* @param {(string|function(number,String))} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.addClass = function(arg1) {};
* @param {(string|Element|jQuery|function(number))} arg1
* @param {(string|Element|Array.<Element>|jQuery)=} content
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.after = function(arg1, content) {};
* @param {(string|Object.<string,*>)} arg1
* @param {Object.<string,*>=} settings
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.ajax = function(arg1, settings) {};
* @param {(string|Object.<string,*>)} arg1
* @param {Object.<string,*>=} settings
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
$.ajax = function(arg1, settings) {};
* @param {function(!jQuery.event,XMLHttpRequest,Object.<string, *>)} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.ajaxComplete = function(handler) {};
* @param {function(!jQuery.event,jQuery.jqXHR,Object.<string, *>,*)} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.ajaxError = function(handler) {};
* @param {(string|
* function(Object.<string,*>,Object.<string, *>,jQuery.jqXHR))} dataTypes
* @param {function(Object.<string,*>,Object.<string, *>,jQuery.jqXHR)=} handler
jQuery.ajaxPrefilter = function(dataTypes, handler) {};
* @param {(string|
* function(Object.<string,*>,Object.<string, *>,jQuery.jqXHR))} dataTypes
* @param {function(Object.<string,*>,Object.<string, *>,jQuery.jqXHR)=} handler
$.ajaxPrefilter = function(dataTypes, handler) {};
* @param {function(!jQuery.event,jQuery.jqXHR,Object.<string, *>)} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.ajaxSend = function(handler) {};
/** @const */
jQuery.ajaxSettings = {};
/** @const */
$.ajaxSettings = {};
/** @type {Object.<string, string>} */
jQuery.ajaxSettings.accepts = {};
/** @type {Object.<string, string>} */
$.ajaxSettings.accepts = {};
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {Object.<string, RegExp>} */
jQuery.ajaxSettings.contents = {};
/** @type {Object.<string, RegExp>} */
$.ajaxSettings.contents = {};
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {Object.<string, *>} */
jQuery.ajaxSettings.converters = {};
/** @type {Object.<string, *>} */
$.ajaxSettings.converters = {};
/** @type {Object.<string, boolean>} */
jQuery.ajaxSettings.flatOptions = {};
/** @type {Object.<string, boolean>} */
$.ajaxSettings.flatOptions = {};
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {Object.<string, string>} */
jQuery.ajaxSettings.responseFields = {};
/** @type {Object.<string, string>} */
$.ajaxSettings.responseFields = {};
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @return {XMLHttpRequest|ActiveXObject} */
jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() {};
/** @return {XMLHttpRequest|ActiveXObject} */
$.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() {};
/** @param {Object.<string,*>} options */
jQuery.ajaxSetup = function(options) {};
/** @param {Object.<string,*>} options */
$.ajaxSetup = function(options) {};
* @param {function()} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.ajaxStart = function(handler) {};
* @param {function()} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.ajaxStop = function(handler) {};
* @param {function(!jQuery.event,XMLHttpRequest,Object.<string, *>)} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.ajaxSuccess = function(handler) {};
* @deprecated Please use .addBack(selector) instead.
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.andSelf = function() {};
* @param {Object.<string,*>} properties
* @param {(string|number|function()|Object.<string,*>)=} arg2
* @param {(string|function())=} easing
* @param {function()=} complete
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.animate = function(properties, arg2, easing, complete) {};
* @param {(string|Element|jQuery|function(number,string))} arg1
* @param {(string|Element|Array.<Element>|jQuery)=} content
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.append = function(arg1, content) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Element|jQuery)} target
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.appendTo = function(target) {};
* @param {(string|Object.<string,*>)} arg1
* @param {(string|number|boolean|function(number,string))=} arg2
* @return {(string|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.attr = function(arg1, arg2) {};
* @param {(string|Element|jQuery|function())} arg1
* @param {(string|Element|Array.<Element>|jQuery)=} content
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.before = function(arg1, content) {};
* @param {(string|Object.<string, function(!jQuery.event=)>)} arg1
* @param {(Object.<string, *>|function(!jQuery.event=)|boolean)=} eventData
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|boolean)=} arg3
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.bind = function(arg1, eventData, arg3) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.blur = function(arg1, handler) {};
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
* @constructor
* @private
jQuery.callbacks = function () {};
* @param {string=} flags
* @return {jQuery.callbacks}
jQuery.Callbacks = function (flags) {};
/** @param {function()} callbacks */
jQuery.callbacks.prototype.add = function(callbacks) {};
/** @return {undefined} */
jQuery.callbacks.prototype.disable = function() {};
/** @return {undefined} */
jQuery.callbacks.prototype.empty = function() {};
/** @param {...*} var_args */
jQuery.callbacks.prototype.fire = function(var_args) {};
/** @return {boolean} */
jQuery.callbacks.prototype.fired = function() {};
/** @param {...*} var_args */
jQuery.callbacks.prototype.fireWith = function(var_args) {};
* @param {function()} callback
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.callbacks.prototype.has = function(callback) {};
/** @return {undefined} */
jQuery.callbacks.prototype.lock = function() {};
/** @return {boolean} */
jQuery.callbacks.prototype.locked = function() {};
/** @param {function()} callbacks */
jQuery.callbacks.prototype.remove = function(callbacks) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.change = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {jQuerySelector=} selector
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.children = function(selector) {};
* @param {string=} queueName
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.clearQueue = function(queueName) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.click = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {boolean=} withDataAndEvents
* @param {boolean=} deepWithDataAndEvents
* @return {!jQuery}
* @suppress {checkTypes} see issue 583
jQuery.prototype.clone = function(withDataAndEvents, deepWithDataAndEvents) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|jQuery|Element|string|Array.<string>)} arg1
* @param {Element=} context
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.closest = function(arg1, context) {};
* @param {Element} container
* @param {Element} contained
* @return {boolean}
jQuery.contains = function(container, contained) {};
* @param {Element} container
* @param {Element} contained
* @return {boolean}
$.contains = function(container, contained) {};
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.contents = function() {};
/** @type {Element} */
* @param {(string|Object.<string,*>)} arg1
* @param {(string|number|function(number,*))=} arg2
* @return {(string|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.css = function(arg1, arg2) {};
/** @type {Object.<string, *>} */
/** @type {Object.<string, *>} */
* @param {Element} elem
* @param {string=} key
* @param {*=} value
* @return {*}
jQuery.data = function(elem, key, value) {};
* @param {(string|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {*=} value
* @return {*}
jQuery.prototype.data = function(arg1, value) {};
* @param {Element} elem
* @param {string=} key
* @param {*=} value
* @return {*}
$.data = function(elem, key, value) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.dblclick = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @constructor
* @implements {jQuery.Promise}
* @param {function()=} opt_fn
* @see http://api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object/
jQuery.deferred = function(opt_fn) {};
* @constructor
* @extends {jQuery.deferred}
* @param {function()=} opt_fn
* @return {jQuery.Deferred}
jQuery.Deferred = function(opt_fn) {};
* @constructor
* @extends {jQuery.deferred}
* @param {function()=} opt_fn
* @see http://api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object/
$.deferred = function(opt_fn) {};
* @constructor
* @extends {jQuery.deferred}
* @param {function()=} opt_fn
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
$.Deferred = function(opt_fn) {};
* @override
* @param {jQueryCallback} alwaysCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} alwaysCallbacks2
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
= function(alwaysCallbacks, alwaysCallbacks2) {};
* @override
* @param {jQueryCallback} doneCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} doneCallbacks2
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
jQuery.deferred.prototype.done = function(doneCallbacks, doneCallbacks2) {};
* @override
* @param {jQueryCallback} failCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} failCallbacks2
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
jQuery.deferred.prototype.fail = function(failCallbacks, failCallbacks2) {};
* @param {...*} var_args
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
jQuery.deferred.prototype.notify = function(var_args) {};
* @param {Object} context
* @param {...*} var_args
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
jQuery.deferred.prototype.notifyWith = function(context, var_args) {};
* @override
* @param {function()=} doneFilter
* @param {function()=} failFilter
* @param {function()=} progressFilter
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
= function(doneFilter, failFilter, progressFilter) {};
* @param {function()} progressCallbacks
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
jQuery.deferred.prototype.progress = function(progressCallbacks) {};
* @param {Object=} target
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
jQuery.deferred.prototype.promise = function(target) {};
* @param {...*} var_args
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
jQuery.deferred.prototype.reject = function(var_args) {};
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Array.<*>=} args
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
jQuery.deferred.prototype.rejectWith = function(context, args) {};
* @param {...*} var_args
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
jQuery.deferred.prototype.resolve = function(var_args) {};
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Array.<*>=} args
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
jQuery.deferred.prototype.resolveWith = function(context, args) {};
/** @return {string} */
jQuery.deferred.prototype.state = function() {};
* @override
* @param {jQueryCallback} doneCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} failCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} progressCallbacks
* @return {jQuery.deferred}
= function(doneCallbacks, failCallbacks, progressCallbacks) {};
* @param {number} duration
* @param {string=} queueName
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.delay = function(duration, queueName) {};
* @param {string} selector
* @param {(string|Object.<string,*>)} arg2
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg3
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.delegate = function(selector, arg2, arg3, handler) {};
* @param {Element} elem
* @param {string=} queueName
jQuery.dequeue = function(elem, queueName) {};
* @param {string=} queueName
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.dequeue = function(queueName) {};
* @param {Element} elem
* @param {string=} queueName
$.dequeue = function(elem, queueName) {};
* @param {jQuerySelector=} selector
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.detach = function(selector) {};
* @param {Object} collection
* @param {function(number,?)} callback
* @return {Object}
jQuery.each = function(collection, callback) {};
* @param {function(number,Element)} fnc
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.each = function(fnc) {};
* @param {Object} collection
* @param {function(number,?)} callback
* @return {Object}
$.each = function(collection, callback) {};
/** @return {!jQuery} */
jQuery.prototype.empty = function() {};
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.end = function() {};
* @param {number} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.eq = function(arg1) {};
/** @param {string} message */
jQuery.error = function(message) {};
* @deprecated
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.error = function(arg1, handler) {};
/** @param {string} message */
$.error = function(message) {};
* @constructor
* @param {string} eventType
jQuery.event = function(eventType) {};
* @constructor
* @extends {jQuery.event}
* @param {string} eventType
* @param {Object=} properties
* @return {jQuery.Event}
jQuery.Event = function(eventType, properties) {};
* @constructor
* @extends {jQuery.event}
* @param {string} eventType
$.event = function(eventType) {};
* @constructor
* @extends {jQuery.event}
* @param {string} eventType
* @param {Object=} properties
* @return {$.Event}
$.Event = function(eventType, properties) {};
/** @type {Element} */
/** @type {Object.<string, *>} */
/** @type {Element} */
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.event.prototype.isDefaultPrevented = function() {};
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.event.prototype.isImmediatePropagationStopped = function() {};
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.event.prototype.isPropagationStopped = function() {};
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {Event} */
/** @type {number} */
/** @type {number} */
/** @return {undefined} */
jQuery.event.prototype.preventDefault = function() {};
/** @type {Object.<string, *>} */
/** @type {Element} */
/** @type {*} */
/** @return {undefined} */
jQuery.event.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {};
/** @return {undefined} */
jQuery.event.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {};
/** @type {Element} */
/** @type {number} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {number} */
* @param {(Object|boolean)} arg1
* @param {...*} var_args
* @return {Object}
jQuery.extend = function(arg1, var_args) {};
* @param {(Object|boolean)} arg1
* @param {...*} var_args
* @return {Object}
jQuery.prototype.extend = function(arg1, var_args) {};
* @param {(Object|boolean)} arg1
* @param {...*} var_args
* @return {Object}
$.extend = function(arg1, var_args) {};
* @param {(string|number|function())=} duration
* @param {(function()|string)=} arg2
* @param {function()=} callback
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.fadeIn = function(duration, arg2, callback) {};
* @param {(string|number|function())=} duration
* @param {(function()|string)=} arg2
* @param {function()=} callback
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.fadeOut = function(duration, arg2, callback) {};
* @param {(string|number)} duration
* @param {number} opacity
* @param {(function()|string)=} arg3
* @param {function()=} callback
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.fadeTo = function(duration, opacity, arg3, callback) {};
* @param {(string|number|function())=} duration
* @param {(string|function())=} easing
* @param {function()=} callback
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.fadeToggle = function(duration, easing, callback) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|function(number)|Element|jQuery)} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.filter = function(arg1) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|jQuery|Element)} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.find = function(arg1) {};
/** @return {!jQuery} */
jQuery.prototype.first = function() {};
/** @see http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring */
/** @see http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring */
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.focus = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.focusin = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.focusout = function(arg1, handler) {};
/** @const */
jQuery.fx = {};
/** @const */
$.fx = {};
/** @type {number} */
/** @type {number} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
* @param {string} url
* @param {(Object.<string,*>|string|
* function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR))=} data
* @param {(function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR)|string)=} success
* @param {string=} dataType
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.get = function(url, data, success, dataType) {};
* @param {number=} index
* @return {(Element|Array.<Element>)}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.get = function(index) {};
* @param {string} url
* @param {(Object.<string,*>|string|
* function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR))=} data
* @param {(function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR)|string)=} success
* @param {string=} dataType
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
$.get = function(url, data, success, dataType) {};
* @param {string} url
* @param {(Object.<string,*>|function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR))=} data
* @param {function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR)=} success
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.getJSON = function(url, data, success) {};
* @param {string} url
* @param {(Object.<string,*>|function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR))=} data
* @param {function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR)=} success
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
$.getJSON = function(url, data, success) {};
* @param {string} url
* @param {function(Node,string,jQuery.jqXHR)=} success
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.getScript = function(url, success) {};
* @param {string} url
* @param {function(Node,string,jQuery.jqXHR)=} success
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
$.getScript = function(url, success) {};
/** @param {string} code */
jQuery.globalEval = function(code) {};
/** @param {string} code */
$.globalEval = function(code) {};
* @param {Array.<*>} arr
* @param {function(*,number)} fnc
* @param {boolean=} invert
* @return {Array.<*>}
jQuery.grep = function(arr, fnc, invert) {};
* @param {Array.<*>} arr
* @param {function(*,number)} fnc
* @param {boolean=} invert
* @return {Array.<*>}
$.grep = function(arr, fnc, invert) {};
* @param {(string|Element)} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.has = function(arg1) {};
* @param {string} className
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.hasClass = function(className) {};
* @param {Element} elem
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.hasData = function(elem) {};
* @param {Element} elem
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
$.hasData = function(elem) {};
* @param {(string|number|function(number,number))=} arg1
* @return {(number|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.height = function(arg1) {};
* @param {(string|number|function())=} duration
* @param {(function()|string)=} arg2
* @param {function()=} callback
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.hide = function(duration, arg2, callback) {};
/** @param {boolean} hold */
jQuery.holdReady = function(hold) {};
/** @param {boolean} hold */
$.holdReady = function(hold) {};
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handlerOut
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.hover = function(arg1, handlerOut) {};
* @param {(string|function(number,string))=} arg1
* @return {(string|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.html = function(arg1) {};
* @param {*} value
* @param {Array.<*>} arr
* @param {number=} fromIndex
* @return {number}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.inArray = function(value, arr, fromIndex) {};
* @param {*} value
* @param {Array.<*>} arr
* @param {number=} fromIndex
* @return {number}
* @nosideeffects
$.inArray = function(value, arr, fromIndex) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Element|jQuery)=} arg1
* @return {number}
jQuery.prototype.index = function(arg1) {};
* @return {number}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.innerHeight = function() {};
* @return {number}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.innerWidth = function() {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Element|jQuery)} target
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.insertAfter = function(target) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Element|jQuery)} target
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.insertBefore = function(target) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|function(number)|jQuery|Element)} arg1
* @return {boolean}
jQuery.prototype.is = function(arg1) {};
* @param {*} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.isArray = function(obj) {};
* @param {*} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
$.isArray = function(obj) {};
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.isEmptyObject = function(obj) {};
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
$.isEmptyObject = function(obj) {};
* @param {*} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.isFunction = function(obj) {};
* @param {*} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
$.isFunction = function(obj) {};
* @param {*} value
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.isNumeric = function(value) {};
* @param {*} value
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
$.isNumeric = function(value) {};
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.isPlainObject = function(obj) {};
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
$.isPlainObject = function(obj) {};
* @param {*} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.isWindow = function(obj) {};
* @param {*} obj
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
$.isWindow = function(obj) {};
* @param {Element} node
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.isXMLDoc = function(node) {};
* @param {Element} node
* @return {boolean}
* @nosideeffects
$.isXMLDoc = function(node) {};
/** @type {string} */
* @constructor
* @extends {XMLHttpRequest}
* @implements {jQuery.Promise}
* @private
* @see http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/#jqXHR
jQuery.jqXHR = function () {};
* @override
* @param {jQueryCallback} alwaysCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} alwaysCallbacks2
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.jqXHR.prototype.always =
function(alwaysCallbacks, alwaysCallbacks2) {};
* @deprecated
* @param {function()} callback
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.jqXHR.prototype.complete = function (callback) {};
* @override
* @param {jQueryCallback} doneCallbacks
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.jqXHR.prototype.done = function(doneCallbacks) {};
* @deprecated
* @param {function()} callback
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.jqXHR.prototype.error = function (callback) {};
* @override
* @param {jQueryCallback} failCallbacks
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.jqXHR.prototype.fail = function(failCallbacks) {};
* @deprecated
* @override
jQuery.jqXHR.prototype.onreadystatechange = function (callback) {};
* @override
* @param {function()=} doneFilter
* @param {function()=} failFilter
* @param {function()=} progressFilter
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.jqXHR.prototype.pipe =
function(doneFilter, failFilter, progressFilter) {};
* @deprecated
* @param {function()} callback
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.jqXHR.prototype.success = function (callback) {};
* @override
* @param {jQueryCallback} doneCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} failCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} progressCallbacks
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.jqXHR.prototype.then =
function(doneCallbacks, failCallbacks, progressCallbacks) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.keydown = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.keypress = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.keyup = function(arg1, handler) {};
/** @return {!jQuery} */
jQuery.prototype.last = function() {};
/** @type {number} */
* @deprecated
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>|string)} arg1
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string,*>|string)=} arg2
* @param {function(string,string,XMLHttpRequest)=} complete
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.load = function(arg1, arg2, complete) {};
* @param {*} obj
* @return {Array.<*>}
jQuery.makeArray = function(obj) {};
* @param {*} obj
* @return {Array.<*>}
$.makeArray = function(obj) {};
* @param {(Array.<*>|Object.<string, *>)} arg1
* @param {(function(*,number)|function(*,(string|number)))} callback
* @return {Array.<*>}
jQuery.map = function(arg1, callback) {};
* @param {function(number,Element)} callback
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.map = function(callback) {};
* @param {(Array.<*>|Object.<string, *>)} arg1
* @param {(function(*,number)|function(*,(string|number)))} callback
* @return {Array.<*>}
$.map = function(arg1, callback) {};
* @param {Array.<*>} first
* @param {Array.<*>} second
* @return {Array.<*>}
jQuery.merge = function(first, second) {};
* @param {Array.<*>} first
* @param {Array.<*>} second
* @return {Array.<*>}
$.merge = function(first, second) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.mousedown = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.mouseenter = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.mouseleave = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.mousemove = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.mouseout = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.mouseover = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.mouseup = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {jQuerySelector=} selector
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.next = function(selector) {};
* @param {string=} selector
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.nextAll = function(selector) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Element)=} arg1
* @param {jQuerySelector=} filter
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.nextUntil = function(arg1, filter) {};
* @param {boolean=} removeAll
* @return {Object}
jQuery.noConflict = function(removeAll) {};
* @param {boolean=} removeAll
* @return {Object}
$.noConflict = function(removeAll) {};
* @return {function()}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.noop = function() {};
* @return {function()}
* @nosideeffects
$.noop = function() {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Array.<Element>|function(number)|jQuery)} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.not = function(arg1) {};
* @return {number}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.now = function() {};
* @return {number}
* @nosideeffects
$.now = function() {};
* @param {(string|Object.<string,*>)} arg1
* @param {(string|function(!jQuery.event=))=} selector
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.off = function(arg1, selector, handler) {};
* @param {({left:number,top:number}|
* function(number,{top:number,left:number}))=} arg1
* @return {({left:number,top:number}|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.offset = function(arg1) {};
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.offsetParent = function() {};
* @param {(string|Object.<string,*>)} arg1
* @param {*=} selector
* @param {*=} data
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.on = function(arg1, selector, data, handler) {};
* @param {(string|Object.<string,*>)} arg1
* @param {*=} arg2
* @param {*=} arg3
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.one = function(arg1, arg2, arg3, handler) {};
* @param {boolean=} includeMargin
* @return {number}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.outerHeight = function(includeMargin) {};
* @param {boolean=} includeMargin
* @return {number}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.outerWidth = function(includeMargin) {};
* @param {(Object.<string, *>|Array.<Object.<string, *>>)} obj
* @param {boolean=} traditional
* @return {string}
jQuery.param = function(obj, traditional) {};
* @param {(Object.<string, *>|Array.<Object.<string, *>>)} obj
* @param {boolean=} traditional
* @return {string}
$.param = function(obj, traditional) {};
* @param {jQuerySelector=} selector
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.parent = function(selector) {};
* @param {jQuerySelector=} selector
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.parents = function(selector) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Element)=} arg1
* @param {jQuerySelector=} filter
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.parentsUntil = function(arg1, filter) {};
* @param {string} data
* @param {Element=} context
* @param {boolean=} keepScripts
* @return {Array.<Element>}
jQuery.parseHTML = function(data, context, keepScripts) {};
* @param {string} data
* @param {Element=} context
* @param {boolean=} keepScripts
* @return {Array.<Element>}
$.parseHTML = function(data, context, keepScripts) {};
* @param {string} json
* @return {Object.<string, *>}
jQuery.parseJSON = function(json) {};
* @param {string} json
* @return {Object.<string, *>}
$.parseJSON = function(json) {};
* @param {string} data
* @return {Document}
jQuery.parseXML = function(data) {};
* @param {string} data
* @return {Document}
$.parseXML = function(data) {};
* @return {{left:number,top:number}}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.position = function() {};
* @param {string} url
* @param {(Object.<string,*>|string|
* function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR))=} data
* @param {(function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR)|string)=} success
* @param {string=} dataType
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
jQuery.post = function(url, data, success, dataType) {};
* @param {string} url
* @param {(Object.<string,*>|string|
* function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR))=} data
* @param {(function(string,string,jQuery.jqXHR)|string)=} success
* @param {string=} dataType
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
$.post = function(url, data, success, dataType) {};
* @param {(string|Element|jQuery|function(number,string))} arg1
* @param {(string|Element|jQuery)=} content
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.prepend = function(arg1, content) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Element|jQuery)} target
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.prependTo = function(target) {};
* @param {jQuerySelector=} selector
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.prev = function(selector) {};
* @param {jQuerySelector=} selector
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.prevAll = function(selector) {};
* @param {(jQuerySelector|Element)=} arg1
* @param {jQuerySelector=} filter
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.prevUntil = function(arg1, filter) {};
* @param {(string|Object)=} type
* @param {Object=} target
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
jQuery.prototype.promise = function(type, target) {};
* @interface
* @private
* @see http://api.jquery.com/Types/#Promise
jQuery.Promise = function () {};
* @param {jQueryCallback} alwaysCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} alwaysCallbacks2
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
jQuery.Promise.prototype.always =
function(alwaysCallbacks, alwaysCallbacks2) {};
* @param {jQueryCallback} doneCallbacks
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
jQuery.Promise.prototype.done = function(doneCallbacks) {};
* @param {jQueryCallback} failCallbacks
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
jQuery.Promise.prototype.fail = function(failCallbacks) {};
* @param {function()=} doneFilter
* @param {function()=} failFilter
* @param {function()=} progressFilter
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
jQuery.Promise.prototype.pipe =
function(doneFilter, failFilter, progressFilter) {};
* @param {jQueryCallback} doneCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} failCallbacks
* @param {jQueryCallback=} progressCallbacks
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
jQuery.Promise.prototype.then =
function(doneCallbacks, failCallbacks, progressCallbacks) {};
* @param {(string|Object.<string,*>)} arg1
* @param {(string|number|boolean|function(number,String))=} arg2
* @return {(string|boolean|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.prop = function(arg1, arg2) {};
* @param {...*} var_args
* @return {function()}
jQuery.proxy = function(var_args) {};
* @param {...*} var_args
* @return {function()}
$.proxy = function(var_args) {};
* @param {Array.<Element>} elements
* @param {string=} name
* @param {Array.<*>=} args
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.pushStack = function(elements, name, args) {};
* @param {(string|Array.<function()>|function(function()))=} queueName
* @param {(Array.<function()>|function(function()))=} arg2
* @return {(Array.<Element>|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.queue = function(queueName, arg2) {};
* @param {Element} elem
* @param {string=} queueName
* @param {(Array.<function()>|function())=} arg3
* @return {(Array.<Element>|!jQuery)}
jQuery.queue = function(elem, queueName, arg3) {};
* @param {Element} elem
* @param {string=} queueName
* @param {(Array.<function()>|function())=} arg3
* @return {(Array.<Element>|!jQuery)}
$.queue = function(elem, queueName, arg3) {};
* @param {function()} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.ready = function(handler) {};
* @param {string=} selector
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.remove = function(selector) {};
* @param {string} attributeName
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.removeAttr = function(attributeName) {};
* @param {(string|function(number,string))=} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.removeClass = function(arg1) {};
* @param {(string|Array.<string>)=} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.removeData = function(arg1) {};
* @param {Element} elem
* @param {string=} name
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.removeData = function(elem, name) {};
* @param {Element} elem
* @param {string=} name
* @return {!jQuery}
$.removeData = function(elem, name) {};
* @param {string} propertyName
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.removeProp = function(propertyName) {};
* @param {jQuerySelector} target
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.replaceAll = function(target) {};
* @param {(string|Element|jQuery|function())} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.replaceWith = function(arg1) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.resize = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.scroll = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @param {number=} value
* @return {(number|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.scrollLeft = function(value) {};
* @param {number=} value
* @return {(number|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.scrollTop = function(value) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.select = function(arg1, handler) {};
* @return {string}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.serialize = function() {};
* @return {Array.<Object.<string, *>>}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.serializeArray = function() {};
* @param {(string|number|function())=} duration
* @param {(function()|string)=} arg2
* @param {function()=} callback
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.show = function(duration, arg2, callback) {};
* @param {jQuerySelector=} selector
* @return {!jQuery}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.siblings = function(selector) {};
* @deprecated
* @return {number}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.size = function() {};
* @param {number} start
* @param {number=} end
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {};
* @param {(Object.<string,*>|string|number)=} optionsOrDuration
* @param {(function()|string)=} completeOrEasing
* @param {function()=} complete
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.slideDown =
function(optionsOrDuration, completeOrEasing, complete) {};
* @param {(Object.<string,*>|string|number)=} optionsOrDuration
* @param {(function()|string)=} completeOrEasing
* @param {function()=} complete
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.slideToggle =
function(optionsOrDuration, completeOrEasing, complete) {};
* @param {(Object.<string,*>|string|number)=} optionsOrDuration
* @param {(function()|string)=} completeOrEasing
* @param {function()=} complete
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.slideUp =
function(optionsOrDuration, completeOrEasing, complete) {};
* @param {(boolean|string)=} arg1
* @param {boolean=} arg2
* @param {boolean=} jumpToEnd
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.stop = function(arg1, arg2, jumpToEnd) {};
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)=} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.submit = function(arg1, handler) {};
/** @type {Object.<string, *>} */
/** @type {Object.<string, *>} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
* @param {(string|function(number,string))=} arg1
* @return {(string|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.text = function(arg1) {};
* @return {Array.<Element>}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.prototype.toArray = function() {};
* Refers to the method from the Effects category. There used to be a toggle
* method on the Events category which was removed starting version 1.9.
* @param {(number|string|Object.<string,*>|boolean)=} arg1
* @param {(function()|string)=} arg2
* @param {function()=} arg3
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.toggle = function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {};
* @param {(string|boolean|function(number,string,boolean))=} arg1
* @param {boolean=} flag
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.toggleClass = function(arg1, flag) {};
* @param {(string|jQuery.event)} arg1
* @param {...*} var_args
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.trigger = function(arg1, var_args) {};
* @param {string} eventType
* @param {Array.<*>=} extraParameters
* @return {*}
jQuery.prototype.triggerHandler = function(eventType, extraParameters) {};
* @param {string} str
* @return {string}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.trim = function(str) {};
* @param {string} str
* @return {string}
* @nosideeffects
$.trim = function(str) {};
* @param {*} obj
* @return {string}
* @nosideeffects
jQuery.type = function(obj) {};
* @param {*} obj
* @return {string}
* @nosideeffects
$.type = function(obj) {};
* @param {(string|function(!jQuery.event=)|jQuery.event)=} arg1
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|boolean)=} arg2
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.unbind = function(arg1, arg2) {};
* @param {string=} arg1
* @param {(string|Object.<string,*>)=} arg2
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.undelegate = function(arg1, arg2, handler) {};
* @param {Array.<Element>} arr
* @return {Array.<Element>}
jQuery.unique = function(arr) {};
* @param {Array.<Element>} arr
* @return {Array.<Element>}
$.unique = function(arr) {};
* @deprecated
* @param {(function(!jQuery.event=)|Object.<string, *>)} arg1
* @param {function(!jQuery.event=)=} handler
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.unload = function(arg1, handler) {};
/** @return {!jQuery} */
jQuery.prototype.unwrap = function() {};
* @param {(string|Array.<string>|function(number,*))=} arg1
* @return {(string|number|Array.<string>|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.val = function(arg1) {};
* @param {jQuery.deferred} deferred
* @param {...jQuery.deferred} deferreds
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
jQuery.when = function(deferred, deferreds) {};
* @param {jQuery.deferred} deferred
* @param {...jQuery.deferred} deferreds
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
$.when = function(deferred, deferreds) {};
* @param {(string|number|function(number,number))=} arg1
* @return {(number|!jQuery)}
jQuery.prototype.width = function(arg1) {};
* @param {(string|jQuerySelector|Element|jQuery|function(number))} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.wrap = function(arg1) {};
* @param {(string|jQuerySelector|Element|jQuery)} wrappingElement
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.wrapAll = function(wrappingElement) {};
* @param {(string|function(number))} arg1
* @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.wrapInner = function(arg1) {};