annot for closure-compiler: pdf:mobile device pdf:miui tmp dir: use pid remove page from dom -- UI option view hash update jquery store $pages from 0, - store a separate map/dict for 'original' page number - OR adjust all destinations issue: separate CSS? key handler on $container instead of window? fix get_next/prev_page next/prev for each Page ? - dots issue - AdobeXML*.pdf - font issue - cjkmix2*.pdf - space issue - python简明*.pdf - spinning icon for dynamic page loading - fix negative word-spacing for IE == Future: == Too difficult/complicated to implement: - reflowable text/combine lines/unwrapping - multi-thread Not enough motivation/Lazy - commandline argument auto-completion - use absolute positioning for long whitespace - detect duplicate base fonts when embedding - disable selection if we know unicode is wrong - check if we can add information to the font, and let browsers show ligatures automatically - position history stack (popstate) - draw non-orthogonal lines with CSS - precise link destination: zoom - multiple charcode mapped to a same glyph - minimum line width of css drawing - separate classes for annotations (such that we don't have to hide all css drawings for printing) - Widget Annoataion - handle large negative letter space - optimization levels - smarter space-as-offset - show hints about possible useful parameters - compress js