#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This python script regenerates the html files associated with a given browser test. # # This script MUST ONLY be run after the full (local) browser test. # import os import sys import shutil if len(sys.argv) != 2 : print("usage: compareTestImages <>") sys.exit(-1) print("") baseFileName = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0] testDir = "/tmp/pdf2htmlEX/out" ref_htmlDir = os.path.join("browser_tests", baseFileName) test_htmlFile = os.path.join(testDir, baseFileName+'.html') if baseFileName == "test_fail" : print("The test_fail test can not be regenerated") print("") sys.exit(-1) if not os.path.isfile(test_htmlFile) : print("The test file [", test_htmlFile, "] has not been found") print("Do you need to re-run the browser tests?") print("") sys.exit(-1) print("Are you sure you want to copy: ") print(" ", test_htmlFile) print("to: ") print(" ", ref_htmlDir) try: input("\nType Ctrl-C now to abort: ") except: print("\n") sys.exit(0) shutil.rmtree(ref_htmlDir, True) os.makedirs(ref_htmlDir, 0o755, True) shutil.copy(test_htmlFile, ref_htmlDir) print("")