Generated by PDF Clown on Sat Mar 05 20:06:01 CET 2011
For more info, visit http://www.pdfclown.org
This is a sample document
that merely demonstrates
some basic graphics
features supported by
PDF Clown.
PS: As promised, since version 0.0.3 PDF Clown has supported embedded latin
OpenFont/TrueType and non-embedded Type 1 fonts along with paragraph construction facilities
through the BlockComposer class.
Since version 0.0.4 the content stream stack has been completed, providing fully object-oriented
access to the graphics objects that describe the contents on a page. It's a great step towards
a whole bunch of possibilities, such as text extraction/replacement, that next releases will
progressively exploit.
Since version 0.0.6 it has supported Unicode for OpenFont/TrueType fonts.
This page was crafted with the nice
LazyDog font
(by Paul Neave, www.neave.com)
Source: http://www.wikipedia.org/