#!/bin/bash # This bash script build FontForge source buildScripts/reSourceVersionEnvs echo "" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "BUILDING FontForge (using CMake)" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" cd fontforge mkdir build cd build cmake \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PDF2HTMLEX_PREFIX \ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_GUI:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_X11:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_NATIVE_SCRIPTING:BOOL=ON \ -DENABLE_PYTHON_SCRIPTING:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_PYTHON_EXTENSION:AUTO=OFF \ -DENABLE_LIBSPIRO:BOOL=ON \ -DENABLE_LIBUNINAMESLIST:BOOL=ON \ -DENABLE_LIBGIF:AUTO=OFF \ -DENABLE_LIBJPEG:AUTO=ON \ -DENABLE_LIBPNG:AUTO=ON \ -DENABLE_LIBREADLINE:AUTO=OFF \ -DENABLE_LIBTIFF:AUTO=OFF \ -DENABLE_WOFF2:AUTO=OFF \ -DENABLE_DOCS:AUTO=OFF \ -DENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_DEBUG_RAW_POINTS:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_FONTFORGE_EXTRAS:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_MAINTAINER_TOOLS:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_TILE_PATH:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_WRITE_PFM:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_SANITIZER:ENUM="none" \ -DENABLE_FREETYPE_DEBUGGER:PATH="" \ -DSPHINX_USE_VENV:BOOL=OFF \ -DREAL_TYPE:ENUM="double" \ -DTHEME:ENUM="tango" \ .. # Apply any patches required for fontforge raw sources before we make # #for APATCHFILE in $(ls ../patches/fontforge-$FONTFORGE_VERSION-*) #do # echo "patching fontforge using [$APATCHFILE]" # patch -p 1 < $APATCHFILE #done make $MAKE_PARALLEL ########################################################## # FontForge CMakeLists.txt build options (2020/05/31): # BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF "Build libfontforge as a shared library") # ENABLE_GUI:BOOL=OFF "Build FontForge with GUI support") # ENABLE_X11:BOOL=OFF "Build the GUI using the X backend INSTEAD of the GDK backend" "ENABLE_GUI") # ENABLE_NATIVE_SCRIPTING:BOOL=ON "Enables FontForge's native scripting support") # ENABLE_PYTHON_SCRIPTING:BOOL=OFF "Enables FontForge's Python scripting support") # ENABLE_PYTHON_EXTENSION:AUTO=OFF "Builds the Python models for use with system python") # ENABLE_LIBSPIRO:BOOL=ON "Enables libspiro support") # ENABLE_LIBUNINAMESLIST:BOOL=ON "Enables libuninameslist support") # ENABLE_LIBGIF:AUTO=OFF "Enables GIF support") # ENABLE_LIBJPEG:AUTO=ON "Enables JPEG support") # ENABLE_LIBPNG:AUTO=ON "Enables PNG support") # ENABLE_LIBREADLINE:AUTO=OFF "Enables Readline support") # ENABLE_LIBTIFF:AUTO=OFF "Enables TIFF support") # ENABLE_WOFF2:AUTO=OFF "Enables WOFF2 support") # ENABLE_DOCS:AUTO=OFF "Enables building and installing documentation. Sphinx is required to build it.") # ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE:BOOL=OFF "Build with code coverage support") # ENABLE_DEBUG_RAW_POINTS:BOOL=OFF "Add a raw mode to the points window of the debugger") # ENABLE_FONTFORGE_EXTRAS:BOOL=OFF "Builds programs from the contrib directory") # ENABLE_MAINTAINER_TOOLS:BOOL=OFF "Build programs normally only used by FontForge maintainers and developers") # ENABLE_TILE_PATH:BOOL=OFF "Enable a 'tile path' command (a variant of 'expand stroke')") # ENABLE_WRITE_PFM:BOOL=OFF "Add the ability to save a PFM file without creating the associated font file") # ENABLE_SANITIZER:ENUM="none" "Enables a sanitizer. Requires support from the compiler." # ENABLE_FREETYPE_DEBUGGER:PATH="" "Use FreeTypes internal debugger within FontForge." # SPHINX_USE_VENV:BOOL=OFF "If building documentation and Sphinx is not installed, try to install and use it from a python3 venv." # REAL_TYPE:ENUM="double" "Sets the floating point type used." "double" "float") # THEME:ENUM="tango" "Sets the GUI theme." "tango" "2012")