/* * state.cc * * track the current state * * by WangLu * 2012.08.14 */ #include "HTMLRenderer.h" #include "namespace.h" void HTMLRenderer::updateAll(GfxState * state) { all_changed = true; updateTextPos(state); } void HTMLRenderer::updateRise(GfxState * state) { rise_changed = true; } void HTMLRenderer::updateTextPos(GfxState * state) { text_pos_changed = true; cur_tx = state->getLineX(); cur_ty = state->getLineY(); } void HTMLRenderer::updateTextShift(GfxState * state, double shift) { text_pos_changed = true; cur_tx -= shift * 0.001 * state->getFontSize() * state->getHorizScaling(); } void HTMLRenderer::updateFont(GfxState * state) { font_changed = true; } void HTMLRenderer::updateCTM(GfxState * state, double m11, double m12, double m21, double m22, double m31, double m32) { ctm_changed = true; } void HTMLRenderer::updateTextMat(GfxState * state) { text_mat_changed = true; } void HTMLRenderer::updateHorizScaling(GfxState * state) { hori_scale_changed = true; } void HTMLRenderer::updateCharSpace(GfxState * state) { letter_space_changed = true; } void HTMLRenderer::updateWordSpace(GfxState * state) { word_space_changed = true; } void HTMLRenderer::updateFillColor(GfxState * state) { color_changed = true; } void HTMLRenderer::check_state_change(GfxState * state) { // DEPENDENCY WARNING // don't adjust the order of state checking bool close_line = false; bool need_recheck_position = false; bool need_rescale_font = false; // rise if(all_changed || rise_changed) { double new_rise = state->getRise(); if(!_equal(cur_rise, new_rise)) { need_recheck_position = true; cur_rise = new_rise; } } // text position // we've been tracking the text position positively in update... function if(all_changed || text_pos_changed) { need_rescale_font = true; } // draw_tx, draw_ty // depends: rise & text position if(need_recheck_position) { // it's ok to use the old draw_scale // should draw_scale be updated, we'll close the line anyway if(!(abs((cur_ty + cur_rise) - draw_ty) * draw_scale < param->v_eps)) { close_line = true; } } // font name & size if(all_changed || font_changed) { long long new_fn_id = install_font(state->getFont()); if(!(new_fn_id == cur_fn_id)) { close_line = true; cur_fn_id = new_fn_id; } double new_font_size = state->getFontSize(); if(!_equal(cur_font_size, new_font_size)) { need_rescale_font = true; cur_font_size = new_font_size; } } // ctm & text ctm & hori scale if(all_changed || ctm_changed || text_mat_changed || hori_scale_changed) { double new_ctm[6]; const double * m1 = state->getCTM(); const double * m2 = state->getTextMat(); double hori_scale = state->getHorizScaling(); new_ctm[0] = (m1[0] * m2[0] + m1[2] * m2[1]) * hori_scale; new_ctm[1] = (m1[1] * m2[0] + m1[3] * m2[1]) * hori_scale; new_ctm[2] = m1[0] * m2[2] + m1[2] * m2[3]; new_ctm[3] = m1[1] * m2[2] + m1[3] * m2[3]; new_ctm[4] = new_ctm[5] = 0; if(!_tm_equal(new_ctm, cur_ctm)) { need_rescale_font = true; memcpy(cur_ctm, new_ctm, sizeof(cur_ctm)); } } // draw_ctm, draw_scale // depends: font size & ctm & text_ctm & hori scale if(need_rescale_font) { double new_draw_ctm[6]; memcpy(new_draw_ctm, cur_ctm, sizeof(new_draw_ctm)); draw_scale = sqrt(new_draw_ctm[2] * new_draw_ctm[2] + new_draw_ctm[3] * new_draw_ctm[3]); double new_draw_font_size = cur_font_size; if(_is_positive(draw_scale)) { new_draw_font_size *= draw_scale; for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) new_draw_ctm[i] /= draw_scale; } else { draw_scale = 1.0; } if(!(_equal(new_draw_font_size, draw_font_size))) { close_line = true; draw_font_size = new_draw_font_size; cur_fs_id = install_font_size(draw_font_size); } if(!(_tm_equal(new_draw_ctm, draw_ctm))) { close_line = true; memcpy(draw_ctm, new_draw_ctm, sizeof(draw_ctm)); cur_tm_id = install_transform_matrix(draw_ctm); } } // letter space // depends: draw_scale if(all_changed || letter_space_changed) { double new_letter_space = state->getCharSpace(); if(!_equal(cur_letter_space, new_letter_space)) { close_line = true; cur_letter_space = new_letter_space; cur_ls_id = install_letter_space(cur_letter_space * draw_scale); } } // word space // depends draw_scale if(all_changed || word_space_changed) { double new_word_space = state->getWordSpace(); if(!_equal(cur_word_space, new_word_space)) { close_line = true; cur_word_space = new_word_space; cur_ws_id = install_word_space(cur_word_space * draw_scale); } } // TODO, we may use nested span if only color is changed // color if(all_changed || color_changed) { GfxRGB new_color; state->getFillRGB(&new_color); if(!((new_color.r == cur_color.r) && (new_color.g == cur_color.g) && (new_color.b == cur_color.b))) { close_line = true; cur_color = new_color; cur_color_id = install_color(&new_color); } } reset_state_track(); if(close_line) close_cur_line(); } void HTMLRenderer::reset_state_track() { all_changed = false; rise_changed = false; text_pos_changed = false; font_changed = false; ctm_changed = false; text_mat_changed = false; hori_scale_changed = false; letter_space_changed = false; word_space_changed = false; color_changed = false; } void HTMLRenderer::close_cur_line() { if(line_opened) { html_fout << "" << endl; line_opened = false; } draw_ty = cur_ty + cur_rise; draw_tx = cur_tx; }