#!/bin/bash # This bash script builds the complete pdf2htmlEX application LOCALLY # (It does not create the AppImage or Docker images) export UNATTENDED=--assume-yes ./buildScripts/getBuildTools || { echo 'getBuildTools FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/getDevLibraries || { echo 'getDevLibraries FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/getPoppler || { echo 'getPoppler FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/buildPoppler || { echo 'buildPoppler FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/installPoppler || { echo 'installPoppler FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/getFontforge || { echo 'getFontforge FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/buildFontforge || { echo 'buildFontforge FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/installFontforge || { echo 'installFontforge FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/buildPdf2htmlEX || { echo 'buildPdf2htmlEX FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/installPdf2htmlEX || { echo 'installPdf2htmlEX FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/createAppImage || { echo 'createAppImage FAILED' ; exit 1 ; } ./buildScripts/createDockerImage || { echo 'createDockerImage FAILED' ; exit 1 ; }