//======================================================================== // pdftohtmlEX.cc // // Copyright (C) 2011 by Hongliang TIAN(tatetian@gmail.com) // Copyright (C) 2012 by Lu Wang coolwanglugmail.com //======================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "HTMLRenderer.h" #include "Param.h" #include "config.h" namespace po = boost::program_options; using namespace std; using namespace boost::filesystem; Param param; // variables PDFDoc *doc = nullptr; GooString *fileName = nullptr; GooString *ownerPW, *userPW; GooString *docTitle = nullptr; GooString *author = nullptr, *keywords = nullptr, *subject = nullptr, *date = nullptr; HTMLRenderer *htmlOut = nullptr; int finished = -1; po::options_description opt_visible("Options"), opt_hidden, opt_all; po::positional_options_description opt_positional; //====================helper functions========================================= /* static GooString* getInfoString(Dict *infoDict, char *key) { Object obj; GooString *s1 = nullptr; if (infoDict->lookup(key, &obj)->isString()) { s1 = new GooString(obj.getString()); } obj.free(); return s1; } static GooString* getInfoDate(Dict *infoDict, char *key) { Object obj; char *s; int year, mon, day, hour, min, sec, tz_hour, tz_minute; char tz; struct tm tmStruct; GooString *result = nullptr; char buf[256]; if (infoDict->lookup(key, &obj)->isString()) { s = obj.getString()->getCString(); // TODO do something with the timezone info if ( parseDateString( s, &year, &mon, &day, &hour, &min, &sec, &tz, &tz_hour, &tz_minute ) ) { tmStruct.tm_year = year - 1900; tmStruct.tm_mon = mon - 1; tmStruct.tm_mday = day; tmStruct.tm_hour = hour; tmStruct.tm_min = min; tmStruct.tm_sec = sec; tmStruct.tm_wday = -1; tmStruct.tm_yday = -1; tmStruct.tm_isdst = -1; mktime(&tmStruct); // compute the tm_wday and tm_yday fields if (strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00", &tmStruct)) { result = new GooString(buf); } else { result = new GooString(s); } } else { result = new GooString(s); } } obj.free(); return result; } */ void show_usage(void) { cerr << "pdftohtmlEX version " << PDF2HTMLEX_VERSION << endl; cerr << endl; cerr << "Copyright 2011 Hongliang Tian (tatetian@gmail.com)" << endl; cerr << "Copyright 2012 Lu Wang (coolwanglugmail.com)" << endl; cerr << endl; cerr << "Usage: pdf2htmlEX [Options] " << endl; cerr << endl; cerr << opt_visible << endl; } po::variables_map parse_options (int argc, char **argv) { opt_visible.add_options() ("help", "show all options") ("first-page,f", po::value(¶m.first_page)->default_value(1), "first page to process") ("last-page,l", po::value(¶m.last_page)->default_value(numeric_limits::max()), "last page to process") ("version,v", "show copyright and version info") ("metadata,m", "show the document meta data in JSON") ("owner-password,o", po::value(¶m.owner_password)->default_value(""), "owner password (for encrypted files)") ("user-password,u", po::value(¶m.user_password)->default_value(""), "user password (for encrypted files)") ("dest-dir", po::value(¶m.dest_dir)->default_value("."), "destination directory") ("tmp-dir", po::value(¶m.tmp_dir)->default_value("/tmp/pdf2htmlEX"), "temporary directory") ("hdpi", po::value(¶m.h_dpi)->default_value(72.0), "horizontal DPI for text") ("vdpi", po::value(¶m.v_dpi)->default_value(72.0), "vertical DPI for text") ("hdpi2", po::value(¶m.h_dpi2)->default_value(144.0), "horizontal DPI for non-text") ("vdpi2", po::value(¶m.v_dpi2)->default_value(144.0), "vertical DPI for non-text") ("heps", po::value(¶m.h_eps)->default_value(1.0), "max tolerated horizontal offset (in pixels)") ("veps", po::value(¶m.v_eps)->default_value(1.0), "max tolerated vertical offset (in pixels)") ("process-nontext", po::value(¶m.process_nontext)->default_value(1), "process nontext objects") ("debug", po::value(¶m.debug)->default_value(0), "output debug information") ("single-html", po::value(¶m.single_html)->default_value(0), "combine everything into one single HTML file") ; opt_hidden.add_options() ("inputfilename", po::value(¶m.input_filename)->default_value(""), "") ("outputfilename", po::value(¶m.output_filename)->default_value(""), "") ; opt_positional.add("inputfilename", 1).add("outputfilename",1); opt_all.add(opt_visible).add(opt_hidden); try { po::variables_map opt_vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(opt_all).positional(opt_positional).run() , opt_vm); po::notify(opt_vm); return opt_vm; } catch(...) { show_usage(); exit(-1); } } //====================entry point============================================== int main(int argc, char **argv) { auto opt_map = parse_options(argc, argv); if (opt_map.count("version") || opt_map.count("help") || (param.input_filename == "")) { show_usage(); return -1; } //prepare the directories try { create_directories(param.dest_dir); create_directories(param.tmp_dir); } catch (const filesystem_error& err) { cerr << err.what() << endl; return -1; } // read config file globalParams = new GlobalParams(); // open PDF file ownerPW = (param.owner_password == "") ? (nullptr) : (new GooString(param.owner_password.c_str())); userPW = (param.user_password == "") ? (nullptr) : (new GooString(param.user_password.c_str())); fileName = new GooString(param.input_filename.c_str()); doc = PDFDocFactory().createPDFDoc(*fileName, ownerPW, userPW); delete userPW; delete ownerPW; if (!doc->isOk()) { goto error; } // check for copy permission if (!doc->okToCopy()) { error(errNotAllowed, -1, "Copying of text from this document is not allowed."); goto error; } param.first_page = min(max(param.first_page, 1), doc->getNumPages()); param.last_page = min(max(param.last_page, param.first_page), doc->getNumPages()); /* // get meta info doc->getDocInfo(&info); if (info.isDict()) { docTitle = getInfoString(info.getDict(), "Title"); author = getInfoString(info.getDict(), "Author"); keywords = getInfoString(info.getDict(), "Keywords"); subject = getInfoString(info.getDict(), "Subject"); date = getInfoDate(info.getDict(), "ModDate"); if( !date ) date = getInfoDate(info.getDict(), "CreationDate"); } info.free(); if( !docTitle ) docTitle = fileName->copy(); */ if(param.output_filename == "") { const auto & s = param.input_filename; if(boost::algorithm::ends_with(s, ".pdf")) { param.output_filename = s.substr(0, s.size() - 4) + ".html"; } else { param.output_filename = s + ".html"; } } htmlOut = new HTMLRenderer(¶m); htmlOut->process(doc); { /* escapeHTMLString(docTitle); if(author) escapeHTMLString(author); if(date) escapeHTMLString(date); printf("{\"doc_id\": \"\", \"title\":\"%s\", \"author\":\"%s\",\"mod_date\":\"%s\",\n", docTitle->getCString(), author? author->getCString():"", date? date->getCString():""); printf("\"pages\":[\n"); */ } delete htmlOut; delete docTitle; if( author ) delete author; if( keywords ) delete keywords; if( subject ) delete subject; if( date ) delete date; finished = 0; // clean up error: if(doc) delete doc; delete fileName; if(globalParams) delete globalParams; // check for memory leaks Object::memCheck(stderr); gMemReport(stderr); return finished; }