/* * text.ccc * * Handling text and relative stuffs * * by WangLu * 2012.08.14 */ #include #include #include #include "HTMLRenderer.h" #include "namespace.h" using std::all_of; string HTMLRenderer::dump_embedded_font (GfxFont * font, long long fn_id) { // mupdf consulted Object ref_obj, font_obj, font_obj2, fontdesc_obj; Object obj, obj1, obj2; Dict * dict = nullptr; string suffix, subtype; char buf[1024]; int len; string fn; ofstream outf; auto * id = font->getID(); ref_obj.initRef(id->num, id->gen); ref_obj.fetch(xref, &font_obj); ref_obj.free(); if(!font_obj.isDict()) { cerr << "Font object is not a dictionary" << endl; goto err; } dict = font_obj.getDict(); if(dict->lookup("DescendantFonts", &font_obj2)->isArray()) { if(font_obj2.arrayGetLength() == 0) { cerr << "Warning: empty DescendantFonts array" << endl; } else { if(font_obj2.arrayGetLength() > 1) cerr << "TODO: multiple entries in DescendantFonts array" << endl; if(font_obj2.arrayGet(0, &obj2)->isDict()) { dict = obj2.getDict(); } } } if(!dict->lookup("FontDescriptor", &fontdesc_obj)->isDict()) { cerr << "Cannot find FontDescriptor " << endl; goto err; } dict = fontdesc_obj.getDict(); if(dict->lookup("FontFile3", &obj)->isStream()) { if(obj.streamGetDict()->lookup("Subtype", &obj1)->isName()) { subtype = obj1.getName(); if(subtype == "Type1C") { suffix = ".cff"; } else if (subtype == "CIDFontType0C") { suffix = ".cid"; } else { cerr << "Unknown subtype: " << subtype << endl; goto err; } } else { cerr << "Invalid subtype in font descriptor" << endl; goto err; } } else if (dict->lookup("FontFile2", &obj)->isStream()) { suffix = ".ttf"; } else if (dict->lookup("FontFile", &obj)->isStream()) { suffix = ".pfa"; } else { cerr << "Cannot find FontFile for dump" << endl; goto err; } if(suffix == "") { cerr << "Font type unrecognized" << endl; goto err; } obj.streamReset(); fn = (format("f%|1$x|%2%")%fn_id%suffix).str(); outf.open(tmp_dir / fn , ofstream::binary); add_tmp_file(fn); while((len = obj.streamGetChars(1024, (Guchar*)buf)) > 0) { outf.write(buf, len); } outf.close(); obj.streamClose(); err: obj2.free(); obj1.free(); obj.free(); fontdesc_obj.free(); font_obj2.free(); font_obj.free(); return suffix; } void HTMLRenderer::drawString(GfxState * state, GooString * s) { if(s->getLength() == 0) return; auto font = state->getFont(); if((font == nullptr) || (font->getWMode())) { return; } //hidden if((state->getRender() & 3) == 3) { return; } // see if the line has to be closed due to state change check_state_change(state); prepare_line(state); // Now ready to output // get the unicodes char *p = s->getCString(); int len = s->getLength(); double dx = 0; double dy = 0; double dxerr = 0; double dx1,dy1; double ox, oy; int nChars = 0; int nSpaces = 0; int uLen; CharCode code; Unicode *u = nullptr; double fs = state->getFontSize(); double cs = state->getCharSpace(); double ws = state->getWordSpace(); double hs = state->getHorizScaling(); while (len > 0) { auto n = font->getNextChar(p, len, &code, &u, &uLen, &dx1, &dy1, &ox, &oy); if(!(_equal(ox, 0) && _equal(oy, 0))) { cerr << "TODO: non-zero origins" << endl; } if (n == 1 && *p == ' ') { ++nSpaces; } if((uLen > 0) && (all_of(u, u+uLen, isLegalUnicode))) { outputUnicodes(html_fout, u, uLen); } else { // should not consider hozi scaling here // will be handled by draw_ctm double target = dx1 * fs + state->getCharSpace(); if(n == 1 && *p == ' ') target += state->getWordSpace(); double w; auto wid = install_whitespace(target * draw_scale, w); html_fout << format("%2%") % wid % (target > 0 ? " " : ""); dxerr += w/draw_scale - target; } dx += dx1; dy += dy1; ++nChars; p += n; len -= n; } // horiz_scaling is merged into ctm now, // so the coordinate system is ugly dx = (dx * fs + nChars * cs + nSpaces * ws) * hs; dy *= fs; cur_tx += dx; cur_ty += dy; draw_tx += dx + dxerr * state->getFontSize() * state->getHorizScaling(); draw_ty += dy; }