#!/bin/bash # This bash script automates the tests mkdir -p testDir cd testDir wget https://github.com/stephengaito/pdf2htmlEX/releases/download/continuous/appImageName export APPIMAGE_NAME=$(cat appImageName) wget https://github.com/stephengaito/pdf2htmlEX/releases/download/continuous/$APPIMAGE_NAME chmod a+x $APPIMAGE_NAME if ! ./$APPIMAGE_NAME --version ; then echo "COULD NOT run the AppImage" exit 1 fi if [ -x "$(which docker)" ]; then wget https://github.com/stephengaito/pdf2htmlEX/releases/download/continuous/dockerImageName export DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=$(cat dockerImageName) if ! docker run $DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME --version ; then echo "COULD NOT run the Docker Image" exit 1 fi fi