/* * ffw.c: Fontforge wrapper * * Processing fonts using Fontforge * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Lu Wang */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SignalHandler.h" #include "ffw.h" // needed for: #include "gfile.h" // FindProgDir => FindProgRoot in 20230101 #include "fontforge/autowidth.h" // FVRemoveKerns #include "fontforge/bitmapchar.h" // SFReplaceEncodingBDFProps #include "fontforge/cvimages.h" // FVImportImages #include "fontforge/encoding.h" // (helpful as we have a name conflict) #include "fontforge/fvfonts.h" // SFFindSlot #include "fontforge/namelist.h" // UniFromName #include "fontforge/savefont.h" // GenerateScript #include "fontforge/splineorder2.h" // SFConvertToOrder2 #include "fontforge/splineutil.h" // AltUniFree #include "fontforge/splineutil2.h" // SplineFontNew #include "fontforge/start.h" // InitSimpleStuff #include "fontforge/tottf.h" // SFDefaultOS2Info static real EPS=1e-6; static inline int min(int a, int b) { return (alogwarning = &dumb_logwarning; ui_interface->post_error = &dumb_post_error; } original_enc = FindOrMakeEncoding("original"); unicodefull_enc = FindOrMakeEncoding("UnicodeFull"); { Val v; v.type = v_int; v.u.ival = 1; SetPrefs("DetectDiagonalStems", &v, NULL); } ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_finalize(void) { ffwSetAction("finalize"); while(enc_head) { Encoding * next = enc_head->next; free((void*)enc_head->enc_name); free(enc_head->unicode); if(enc_head->psnames) { int i; for(i = 0; i < enc_head->char_cnt; ++i) free((void*)enc_head->psnames[i]); free(enc_head->psnames); } free(enc_head); enc_head = next; } ffwClearAction(); } // see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2653351 #define xstr(a) str(a) #define str(a) #a static FFWVersionInfo ffwVersionInfo; const FFWVersionInfo* ffw_get_version_info(void) { ffwVersionInfo.versionDate = FONTFORGE_VERSION; return &ffwVersionInfo; } void ffw_new_font() { ffwSetAction("create"); assert((cur_fv == NULL) && "Previous font is not destroyed"); cur_fv = FVAppend(_FontViewCreate(SplineFontNew())); ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_load_font(const char * filename) { ffwSetAction("load"); assert((cur_fv == NULL) && "Previous font is not destroyed"); char * _filename = strcopy(filename); SplineFont * font = LoadSplineFont(_filename, of_fstypepermitted); free(_filename); if(!font) err("Cannot load font %s\n", filename); if(!font->fv) { assert(fv_interface && "fv_interface not initialized!"); FVAppend(_FontViewCreate(font)); } assert(font->fv); cur_fv = font->fv; // If we are a composite font, then ensure the cidmaster has the same ascent/descent values as the first subfont. // If there are more than one subfont then what do we do??? if (cur_fv->cidmaster && (cur_fv->cidmaster->ascent != cur_fv->sf->ascent || cur_fv->cidmaster->descent != cur_fv->sf->descent)) { printf("ffw_load_font:Warning ascent/descent mismatch for CID font: %d/%d => %d/%d\n", cur_fv->cidmaster->ascent, cur_fv->cidmaster->descent, cur_fv->sf->ascent, cur_fv->sf->descent); cur_fv->cidmaster->ascent = cur_fv->sf->ascent; cur_fv->cidmaster->descent = cur_fv->sf->descent; } ffwClearAction(); } // // Fight again dirty stuffs // void ffw_prepare_font(void) { ffwSetAction("prepare"); memset(cur_fv->selected, 1, cur_fv->map->enccount); // remove kern FVRemoveKerns(cur_fv); FVRemoveVKerns(cur_fv); // // Remove Alternate Unicodes // We never use them because we will do a force encoding // int i; SplineFont * sf = cur_fv->sf; for(i = 0; i < sf->glyphcnt; ++i) { SplineChar * sc = sf->glyphs[i]; if(sc) { struct altuni * p = sc->altuni; if(p) { AltUniFree(p); sc->altuni = NULL; } } } // // Wipe out font name // browsers may rejects fonts with malformed font names // free(sf->fontname); sf->fontname = strcopy(""); ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_save(const char * filename) { ffwSetAction("save"); char * _filename = strcopy(filename); char * _ = strcopy(""); int r = GenerateScript(cur_fv->sf, _filename , _, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, cur_fv->map, NULL, ly_fore); free(_); free(_filename); if(!r) err("Cannot save font to %s\n", filename); ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_close(void) { ffwSetAction("close"); FontViewClose(cur_fv); cur_fv = NULL; ffwClearAction(); } static void ffw_do_reencode(Encoding * encoding, int force) { assert(encoding); if(force) { SFForceEncoding(cur_fv->sf, cur_fv->map, encoding); } else { EncMapFree(cur_fv->map); cur_fv->map = EncMapFromEncoding(cur_fv->sf, encoding); } if(cur_fv->normal) { EncMapFree(cur_fv->normal); cur_fv->normal = NULL; } SFReplaceEncodingBDFProps(cur_fv->sf, cur_fv->map); free(cur_fv->selected); cur_fv->selected = calloc(cur_fv->map->enccount, sizeof(char)); } void ffw_reencode_glyph_order(void) { ffwSetAction("re-encode the glyph order in"); ffw_do_reencode(original_enc, 0); ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_reencode_unicode_full(void) { ffwSetAction("re-encode to unicode"); ffw_do_reencode(unicodefull_enc, 0); ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_reencode(const char * encname, int force) { ffwSetAction("re-encode"); Encoding * enc = FindOrMakeEncoding(encname); if(!enc) err("Unknown encoding %s\n", encname); ffw_do_reencode(enc, force); ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_reencode_raw(int32_t * mapping, int mapping_len, int force) { ffwSetAction("re-encode (raw1)"); Encoding * enc = calloc(1, sizeof(Encoding)); enc->only_1byte = enc->has_1byte = true; int len = (mapping_len < 256) ? 256 : mapping_len; enc->char_cnt = len; enc->unicode = (int32_t*)malloc(len * sizeof(int32_t)); memcpy(enc->unicode, mapping, mapping_len * sizeof(int32_t)); if(mapping_len < 256) { int i; for(i = mapping_len; i < 256; ++i) enc->unicode[i] = -1; } enc->enc_name = strcopy(""); enc->next = enc_head; enc_head = enc; ffw_do_reencode(enc, force); ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_reencode_raw2(const char ** mapping, int mapping_len, int force) { ffwSetAction("re-encode (raw2)"); Encoding * enc = calloc(1, sizeof(Encoding)); enc->enc_name = strcopy(""); enc->char_cnt = mapping_len; enc->unicode = (int32_t*)malloc(mapping_len * sizeof(int32_t)); enc->psnames = (char**)calloc(mapping_len, sizeof(char*)); int i; for(i = 0; i < mapping_len; ++i) { if(mapping[i]) { enc->unicode[i] = UniFromName(mapping[i], ui_none, &custom); enc->psnames[i] = strcopy(mapping[i]); } else { enc->unicode[i] = -1; } } enc->next = enc_head; enc_head = enc; ffw_do_reencode(enc, force); ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_cidflatten(void) { if(!cur_fv->sf->cidmaster) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot flatten a non-CID font\n"); return; } ffwSetAction("flatten the cid in"); SFFlatten(&(cur_fv->sf->cidmaster)); ffwClearAction(); } // // There is no check if a glyph with the same unicode exists! // TODO: let FontForge fill in the standard glyph name <- or maybe this might cause collision? // void ffw_add_empty_char(int32_t unicode, int width) { ffwSetAction("add an empty character to"); SplineChar * sc = SFMakeChar(cur_fv->sf, cur_fv->map, cur_fv->map->enccount); char buffer[400]; SCSetMetaData(sc, strcopy(StdGlyphName(buffer, unicode, cur_fv->sf->uni_interp, cur_fv->sf->for_new_glyphs)), unicode, sc->comment); SCSynchronizeWidth(sc, width, sc->width, cur_fv); ffwClearAction(); } int ffw_get_em_size(void) { ffwSetAction("get the em size of"); int emSize = cur_fv->sf->ascent + cur_fv->sf->descent; ffwClearAction(); return emSize; } void ffw_fix_metric() { ffwSetAction("fix the metric of"); double ascent, descent; ffw_get_metric(&ascent, &descent); ffw_set_metric(ascent, descent); ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_get_metric(double * ascent, double * descent) { ffwSetAction("get the metric of"); SplineFont * sf = cur_fv->sf; DBounds bb; SplineFontFindBounds(sf, &bb); int em = sf->ascent + sf->descent; if (em > 0) { *ascent = ((double)bb.maxy) / em; *descent = ((double)bb.miny) / em; } else { *ascent = *descent = 0; } ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_set_metric(double ascent, double descent) { ffwSetAction("set the metric of"); SplineFont * sf = cur_fv->sf; struct pfminfo * info = &sf->pfminfo; SFDefaultOS2Info(info, sf, sf->fontname); info->pfmset = 1; sf->changed = 1; int em = sf->ascent + sf->descent; int a = floor(ascent * em + 0.5); int d = floor(descent * em + 0.5); if(a < 0) a = 0; if(d > 0) d = 0; // //sf->ascent = min(a, em); //sf->descent = em - bb.maxy; // // // The embedded fonts are likely to have inconsistent values for the 3 sets of ascent/descent // PDF viewers don't care, since they don't even use these values // But have to unify them, for different browsers on different platforms // Things may become easier when there are CSS rules for baseline-based positioning. // info->os2_winascent = a; info->os2_typoascent = a; info->hhead_ascent = a; info->winascent_add = 0; info->typoascent_add = 0; info->hheadascent_add = 0; info->os2_windescent = -d; info->os2_typodescent = d; info->hhead_descent = d; info->windescent_add = 0; info->typodescent_add = 0; info->hheaddescent_add = 0; info->os2_typolinegap = 0; info->linegap = 0; ffwClearAction(); } // // TODO:bitmap, reference have not been considered in this function // void ffw_set_widths(int * width_list, int mapping_len, int stretch_narrow, int squeeze_wide) { ffwSetAction("set the widths of"); SplineFont * sf = cur_fv->sf; if(sf->onlybitmaps && cur_fv->active_bitmap != NULL && sf->bitmaps != NULL) { printf("TODO: width vs bitmap\n"); } EncMap * map = cur_fv->map; int i; int imax = min(mapping_len, map->enccount); for(i = 0; i < imax; ++i) { // // Don't mess with it if the glyphs is not used. // if(width_list[i] == -1) { continue; } int j = map->map[i]; if(j == -1) continue; SplineChar * sc = sf->glyphs[j]; if(sc == NULL) { sc = SFMakeChar(cur_fv->sf, cur_fv->map, j); } else if(((sc->width > EPS) && (((sc->width > width_list[i] + EPS) && (squeeze_wide)) || ((sc->width < width_list[i] - EPS) && (stretch_narrow))))) { real transform[6]; transform[0] = ((double)width_list[i]) / (sc->width); transform[3] = 1.0; transform[1] = transform[2] = transform[4] = transform[5] = 0; FVTrans(cur_fv, sc, transform, NULL, fvt_alllayers | fvt_dontmovewidth); } SCSynchronizeWidth(sc, width_list[i], sc->width, cur_fv); } ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_import_svg_glyph(int code, const char * filename, double ox, double oy, double width) { ffwSetAction("import the glyphs from"); int enc = SFFindSlot(cur_fv->sf, cur_fv->map, code, ""); if(enc == -1) { ffwClearAction(); return; } SplineChar * sc = SFMakeChar(cur_fv->sf, cur_fv->map, enc); memset(cur_fv->selected, 0, cur_fv->map->enccount); cur_fv->selected[enc] = 1; ImportParams ip; InitImportParams(&ip); int ok = FVImportImages( cur_fv, (char*)filename, fv_svg, 0 /*toback*/, true /*preclear*/, &ip ); if(!ok) err("Import SVG glyph failed"); // correct origin and width { int a = cur_fv->sf->ascent; int d = cur_fv->sf->descent; real transform[6]; transform[0] = 1.0; transform[3] = 1.0; transform[1] = transform[2] = 0.0; transform[4] = -ox * (a+d); transform[5] = -oy * (a+d) + d; FVTrans(cur_fv, sc, transform, NULL, fvt_alllayers | fvt_dontmovewidth); SCSynchronizeWidth(sc, floor(width * (a+d) + 0.5), sc->width, cur_fv); } ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_auto_hint(void) { ffwSetAction("automatically hint"); // convert to quadratic if(!(cur_fv->sf->layers[ly_fore].order2)) { SFCloseAllInstrs(cur_fv->sf); SFConvertToOrder2(cur_fv->sf); } memset(cur_fv->selected, 1, cur_fv->map->enccount); FVAutoHint(cur_fv); FVAutoInstr(cur_fv); ffwClearAction(); } void ffw_override_fstype(void) { ffwSetAction("override the fstype of"); *(int16_t *)(&cur_fv->sf->pfminfo.fstype) = 0; cur_fv->sf->pfminfo.pfmset = true; cur_fv->sf->changed = true; ffwClearAction(); }