#!/bin/bash # This bash script creates a (binary) Debian Package Archive for pdf2htmlEX source ./buildScripts/reSourceVersionEnvs echo "" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "CREATING pdf2htmlEX (binary) Debian package" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" set -ev export DPKG_NAME="pdf2htmlEX-$PDF2HTMLEX_BRANCH-$BUILD_TIME-$BUILD_DIST-$MACHINE_ARCH.deb" echo "export DPKG_NAME=\"$DPKG_NAME\"" >> buildScripts/reSourceVersionEnvs # Adapted from: https://blog.serverdensity.com/how-to-create-a-debian-deb-package/ # and: http://www.sj-vs.net/creating-a-simple-debian-deb-package-based-on-a-directory-structure/ DEBDIR=imageBuild/debianDir DOCDIR=$DEBDIR/usr/local/share/doc/pdf2htmlEX sudo rm -rf $DEBDIR mkdir -p $DOCDIR # Install pdf2htmlEX # cd pdf2htmlEX/build # make install DESTDIR=../../$DEBDIR # Install a copy of poppler-data for pdf2htmlEX's exclusive use # cd ../../poppler-data # make install \ prefix=$PDF2HTMLEX_PREFIX \ datadir=$PDF2HTMLEX_PREFIX/share/pdf2htmlEX \ DESTDIR=../$DEBDIR cd .. # Create a 'useful' changelog # git log --format="%cd %h %d %n %s%n" --date=short > $DOCDIR/gitLog # Ensure the license and readme details are embedded in the debian archive # cp LICENSE $DOCDIR cp LICENSE_GPLv3 $DOCDIR cp README.md $DOCDIR ######################################## # setup the DEBIAN package files controlFile=$DEBDIR/DEBIAN/control conffilesFile=$DEBDIR/DEBIAN/conffiles md5sumsFile=$DEBDIR/DEBIAN/md5sums mkdir -p $DEBDIR/DEBIAN # Create the md5sums file # find $DEBDIR -type f | xargs md5sum > $md5sumsFile # Accumulate the control file information # versionValue=$(git describe --abbrev=0) architectureValue=$(dpkg-architecture -q DEB_BUILD_ARCH_CPU) maintainerValue="$(git config --get user.name) <$(git config --get user.email)>" # Now create the control file # echo "Package: pdf2htmlEX" > $controlFile echo "Version: 0:0.$versionValue-0" >> $controlFile echo "Distribution: $BUILD_DIST" >> $controlFile echo "Architecture: $architectureValue" >> $controlFile echo "Section: universe/web" >> $controlFile echo "Priority: optional" >> $controlFile echo "Essential: no" >> $controlFile echo "Depends: libglib2.0-0, libfreetype6, libfontconfig1, libcairo2, libpng16-16, libjpeg-turbo8, libxml2" >> $controlFile echo "Maintainer: $maintainerValue" >> $controlFile echo "Homepage: http://github.com/pdf2htmlEX/pdf2htmlEX" >> $controlFile echo "Description: Converts PDF to HTML without losing format" >> $controlFile echo " pdf2htmlEX converts PDF to HTML while retaining text, format & style as much as possible" >> $controlFile # Create the (empty) conffiles # touch $conffilesFile # Finally create the debian archive # cd imageBuild # sudo chown -R root:root debianDir # dpkg --build debianDir $DPKG_NAME