/* * Draw.cc * * Handling path drawing * * by WangLu * 2012.10.01 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "HTMLRenderer.h" #include "util.h" #include "namespace.h" namespace pdf2htmlEX { using std::swap; using std::min; using std::max; using std::acos; using std::asin; using std::ostringstream; using std::sqrt; using std::vector; using std::ostream; static bool is_horizontal_line(GfxSubpath * path) { return ((path->getNumPoints() == 2) && (!path->getCurve(1)) && (_equal(path->getY(0), path->getY(1)))); } static bool is_vertical_line(GfxSubpath * path) { return ((path->getNumPoints() == 2) && (!path->getCurve(1)) && (_equal(path->getX(0), path->getX(1)))); } static bool is_rectangle(GfxSubpath * path) { if (!(((path->getNumPoints() != 4) && (path->isClosed())) || ((path->getNumPoints() == 5) && _equal(path->getX(0), path->getX(4)) && _equal(path->getY(0), path->getY(4))))) return false; for(int i = 1; i < path->getNumPoints(); ++i) if(path->getCurve(i)) return false; return (_equal(path->getY(0), path->getY(1)) && _equal(path->getX(1), path->getX(2)) && _equal(path->getY(2), path->getY(3)) && _equal(path->getX(3), path->getX(0))) || (_equal(path->getX(0), path->getX(1)) && _equal(path->getY(1), path->getY(2)) && _equal(path->getX(2), path->getX(3)) && _equal(path->getY(3), path->getY(0))); } static void get_shading_bbox(GfxState * state, GfxShading * shading, double & x1, double & y1, double & x2, double & y2) { // from SplashOutputDev.cc in poppler if(shading->getHasBBox()) { shading->getBBox(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); } else { state->getClipBBox(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); Matrix ctm, ictm; state->getCTM(&ctm); ctm.invertTo(&ictm); double x[4], y[4]; ictm.transform(x1, y1, &x[0], &y[0]); ictm.transform(x2, y1, &x[1], &y[1]); ictm.transform(x1, y2, &x[2], &y[2]); ictm.transform(x2, y2, &x[3], &y[3]); x1 = x2 = x[0]; y1 = y2 = y[0]; for(int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { x1 = min(x1, x[i]); y1 = min(y1, y[i]); x2 = max(x2, x[i]); y2 = max(y2, y[i]); } } } /* * Note that the coordinate system in HTML and PDF are different */ static double get_angle(double dx, double dy) { double r = hypot(dx, dy); /* * acos always returns [0, pi] */ double ang = acos(dx / r); /* * for angle below x-axis */ if(dy < 0) ang = -ang; return ang; } class LinearGradient { public: LinearGradient(GfxAxialShading * shading, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2); void dumpto (ostream & out); static void style_function (void * p, ostream & out) { static_cast(p)->dumpto(out); } // TODO, add alpha class ColorStop { public: GfxRGB rgb; double pos; // [0,1] }; vector stops; double angle; }; LinearGradient::LinearGradient (GfxAxialShading * shading, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { // coordinate for t = 0 and t = 1 double t0x, t0y, t1x, t1y; shading->getCoords(&t0x, &t0y, &t1x, &t1y); angle = get_angle(t1x - t0x, t1y - t0y); // get the range of t in the box // from GfxState.cc in poppler double box_tmin, box_tmax; { double idx = t1x - t0x; double idy = t1y - t0y; double inv_len = 1.0 / (idx * idx + idy * idy); idx *= inv_len; idy *= inv_len; // t of (x1,y1) box_tmin = box_tmax = (x1 - t0x) * idx + (y1 - t0y) * idy; double tdx = (x2 - x1) * idx; if(tdx < 0) box_tmin += tdx; else box_tmax += tdx; double tdy = (y2 - y1) * idy; if(tdy < 0) box_tmin += tdy; else box_tmax += tdy; } // get the domain of t in the box double domain_tmin = max(box_tmin, shading->getDomain0()); double domain_tmax = min(box_tmax, shading->getDomain1()); // TODO: better sampling // TODO: check background color { stops.clear(); double tstep = (domain_tmax - domain_tmin) / 13.0; for(double t = domain_tmin; t <= domain_tmax; t += tstep) { GfxColor color; shading->getColor(t, &color); ColorStop stop; shading->getColorSpace()->getRGB(&color, &stop.rgb); stop.pos = (t - box_tmin) / (box_tmax - box_tmin); stops.push_back(stop); } } } void LinearGradient::dumpto (ostream & out) { auto prefixes = {"", "-ms-", "-moz-", "-webkit-", "-o-"}; for(auto iter = prefixes.begin(); iter != prefixes.end(); ++iter) { out << "background-image:" << (*iter) << "linear-gradient(" << _round(angle) << "rad"; for(auto iter2 = stops.begin(); iter2 != stops.end(); ++iter2) { out << "," << (iter2->rgb) << " " << _round((iter2->pos) * 100) << "%"; } out << ");"; } } GBool HTMLRenderer::axialShadedFill(GfxState *state, GfxAxialShading *shading, double tMin, double tMax) { if(!(param->css_draw)) return gFalse; double x1, y1, x2, y2; get_shading_bbox(state, shading, x1, y1, x2, y2); LinearGradient lg(shading, x1, y1, x2, y2); // TODO: check background color css_draw_rectangle(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, state->getCTM(), nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr, LinearGradient::style_function, &lg); return gTrue; } //TODO track state //TODO connection style bool HTMLRenderer::css_do_path(GfxState *state, bool fill, bool test_only) { if(!(param->css_draw)) return false; GfxPath * path = state->getPath(); /* * capacity check */ for(int i = 0; i < path->getNumSubpaths(); ++i) { GfxSubpath * subpath = path->getSubpath(i); if(!(is_horizontal_line(subpath) || is_vertical_line(subpath) || is_rectangle(subpath))) return false; } if(test_only) return true; for(int i = 0; i < path->getNumSubpaths(); ++i) { GfxSubpath * subpath = path->getSubpath(i); if(is_horizontal_line(subpath)) { double x1 = subpath->getX(0); double x2 = subpath->getX(1); double y = subpath->getY(0); if(x1 > x2) swap(x1, x2); GfxRGB stroke_color; state->getStrokeRGB(&stroke_color); double lw = state->getLineWidth(); css_draw_rectangle(x1, y - lw/2, x2-x1, lw, state->getCTM(), nullptr, 0, nullptr, &stroke_color); } else if(is_vertical_line(subpath)) { double x = subpath->getX(0); double y1 = subpath->getY(0); double y2 = subpath->getY(1); if(y1 > y2) swap(y1, y2); GfxRGB stroke_color; state->getStrokeRGB(&stroke_color); double lw = state->getLineWidth(); css_draw_rectangle(x-lw/2, y1, lw, y2-y1, state->getCTM(), nullptr, 0, nullptr, &stroke_color); } else if(is_rectangle(subpath)) { double x1 = subpath->getX(0); double x2 = subpath->getX(2); double y1 = subpath->getY(0); double y2 = subpath->getY(2); if(x1 > x2) swap(x1, x2); if(y1 > y2) swap(y1, y2); double x,y,w,h,lw[2]; css_fix_rectangle_border_width(x1, y1, x2, y2, (fill ? 0.0 : state->getLineWidth()), x,y,w,h,lw[0],lw[1]); GfxRGB stroke_color; if(!fill) state->getStrokeRGB(&stroke_color); GfxRGB fill_color; if(fill) state->getFillRGB(&fill_color); int lw_count = 2; GfxRGB * ps = fill ? nullptr : (&stroke_color); GfxRGB * pf = fill ? (&fill_color) : nullptr; if(_equal(h, 0) || _equal(w, 0)) { // orthogonal line // TODO: check length pf = ps; ps = nullptr; h += lw[0]; w += lw[1]; } css_draw_rectangle(x, y, w, h, state->getCTM(), lw, lw_count, ps, pf); } else { assert(false); } } return true; } void HTMLRenderer::css_draw_rectangle(double x, double y, double w, double h, const double * tm, double * line_width_array, int line_width_count, const GfxRGB * line_color, const GfxRGB * fill_color, void (*style_function)(void *, ostream &), void * style_function_data) { close_text_line(); double new_tm[6]; memcpy(new_tm, tm, sizeof(new_tm)); _tm_transform(new_tm, x, y); double scale = 1.0; { static const double sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0); double i1 = (new_tm[0] + new_tm[2]) / sqrt2; double i2 = (new_tm[1] + new_tm[3]) / sqrt2; scale = hypot(i1, i2); if(_is_positive(scale)) { for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) new_tm[i] /= scale; } else { scale = 1.0; } } html_fout << "
0) html_fout << ' '; double lw = line_width_array[i] * scale; html_fout << _round(lw); if(_is_positive(lw)) html_fout << "px"; } html_fout << ";"; } else { html_fout << "border:none;"; } if(fill_color) { html_fout << "background-color:" << (*fill_color) << ";"; } else { html_fout << "background-color:transparent;"; } if(style_function) { style_function(style_function_data, html_fout); } html_fout << "bottom:" << _round(y) << "px;" << "left:" << _round(x) << "px;" << "width:" << _round(w * scale) << "px;" << "height:" << _round(h * scale) << "px;"; html_fout << "\">
"; } } // namespace pdf2htmlEX