#!/bin/sh # This shell script creates a container image from an existing pdf2htmlEX # # This is the part which must be run *outside* of any OCI container. echo "" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "CREATING pdf2htmlEX Container Image (run outside any OCI container)" echo " (based on Alpine linux $BUILD_DIST)" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" # Collect everything that will be needed... # source buildScripts/reSourceVersionEnvs . buildScripts/reSourceVersionEnvs set -ev mkdir -p imageBuild/containerDir cd imageBuild/containerDir cp ../$ALPINE_NAME.* . if [ -z "$CONTAINER_FROM" ]; then echo "" read -p "Enter the container image for the 'from' base: " CONTAINER_FROM echo "" if [ -z "$CONTAINER_FROM" ]; then echo "CONTAINER_FROM not set... so we can not build the container image" exit 1 fi fi if [ -z "$DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME" ]; then echo "" read -p "Enter a docker hub username: " DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME echo "" if [ -z "$DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME" ]; then echo "DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME not set... so we can not build the container image" exit 1 fi fi if [ -x "$(which podman)" ]; then alias docker=podman fi export CONTAINER_NAME="$DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME/pdf2htmlex:$PDF2HTMLEX_NAME" echo "export CONTAINER_FROM=\"$CONTAINER_FROM\"" >> ../../buildScripts/reSourceVersionEnvs echo "export DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME=\"$DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME\"" >> ../../buildScripts/reSourceVersionEnvs echo "export CONTAINER_NAME=\"$CONTAINER_NAME\"" >> ../../buildScripts/reSourceVersionEnvs cat > Dockerfile <