diff --git a/src/HTMLRenderer/TextLineBuffer.cc b/src/HTMLRenderer/TextLineBuffer.cc
index e90ed63..45f09ef 100644
--- a/src/HTMLRenderer/TextLineBuffer.cc
+++ b/src/HTMLRenderer/TextLineBuffer.cc
@@ -243,6 +243,10 @@ void HTMLRenderer::TextLineBuffer::set_state (State & state)
state.word_space = renderer->word_space_manager.get_actual_value();
+ * Adjust letter space and word space in order to reduce the number of HTML elements
+ * May also unmask word space
+ */
void HTMLRenderer::TextLineBuffer::optimize()
@@ -250,97 +254,172 @@ void HTMLRenderer::TextLineBuffer::optimize()
+ const long long word_space_umask = State::umask_by_id(State::WORD_SPACE_ID);
// for optimization, we need accurate values
+ auto & ls_manager = renderer->letter_space_manager;
+ double old_ls_eps = ls_manager.get_eps();
+ ls_manager.set_eps(EPS);
auto & ws_manager = renderer->word_space_manager;
double old_ws_eps = ws_manager.get_eps();
- auto offset_iter1 = offsets.begin();
+ // statistics of widths
std::map width_map;
+ // store optimized offsets
+ std::vector new_offsets;
+ new_offsets.reserve(offsets.size());
- // set proper hash_umask
- long long word_space_umask = State::umask_by_id(State::WORD_SPACE_ID);
+ auto offset_iter1 = offsets.begin();
for(auto state_iter2 = states.begin(), state_iter1 = state_iter2++;
state_iter1 != states.end();
++state_iter1, ++state_iter2)
- size_t text_idx1 = state_iter1->start_idx;
- size_t text_idx2 = (state_iter2 == states.end()) ? text.size() : state_iter2->start_idx;
+ const size_t text_idx1 = state_iter1->start_idx;
+ const size_t text_idx2 = (state_iter2 == states.end()) ? text.size() : state_iter2->start_idx;
// get the text segment covered by current state (*state_iter1)
- auto text_iter1 = text.begin() + text_idx1;
- auto text_iter2 = text.begin() + text_idx2;
+ const auto text_iter1 = text.begin() + text_idx1;
+ const auto text_iter2 = text.begin() + text_idx2;
+ size_t text_count = text_idx2 - text_idx1;
while((offset_iter1 != offsets.end()) && (offset_iter1->start_idx <= text_idx1))
++ offset_iter1;
auto offset_iter2 = offset_iter1;
for(; (offset_iter2 != offsets.end()) && (offset_iter2->start_idx <= text_idx2); ++offset_iter2) { }
+ // There are `offset_count` 's, the target is to reduce this number
+ size_t offset_count = offset_iter2 - offset_iter1;
+ assert(text_count >= offset_count);
+ double letter_space_diff = 0; // will be later used for optimizing word space
+ width_map.clear();
+ // Optimize letter space
// In some PDF files all letter spaces are implemented as position shifts between each letter
// try to simplify it with a proper letter space
- // In some PDF files all spaces are converted into positionig shift
- // We may try to change (some of) them to ' ' and adjust word_space accordingly
- // This can also be applied when param->space_as_offset is set
- // for now, we cosider only the no-space scenario
- if(find(text_iter1, text_iter2, ' ') != text_iter2)
- continue;
- // if there is not any space, we may change the value of word_space arbitrarily
- // collect widths
- width_map.clear();
- double threshold = (state_iter1->em_size()) * (renderer->param->space_threshold);
- for(auto off_iter = offset_iter1; off_iter != offset_iter2; ++off_iter)
+ if(offset_count > 0)
- double target = off_iter->width;
- // we don't want to add spaces for tiny gaps, or even negative shifts
- if(target < threshold - EPS)
- continue;
+ // mark the current letter_space
+ if(text_count > offset_count)
+ width_map.insert(std::make_pair(0, text_count - offset_count));
- auto iter = width_map.lower_bound(target-EPS);
- if((iter != width_map.end()) && (abs(iter->first - target) <= EPS))
+ for(auto off_iter = offset_iter1; off_iter != offset_iter2; ++off_iter)
- ++ iter->second;
+ const double target = off_iter->width;
+ auto iter = width_map.lower_bound(target-EPS);
+ if((iter != width_map.end()) && (abs(iter->first - target) <= EPS))
+ {
+ ++ iter->second;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ width_map.insert(iter, std::make_pair(target, 1));
+ }
+ }
+ double most_used_width = 0;
+ int max_count = 0;
+ for(auto iter = width_map.begin(); iter != width_map.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ if(iter->second > max_count)
+ {
+ most_used_width = iter->first;
+ max_count = iter->second;
+ }
+ }
+ // now we would like to adjust letter space to most_used width
+ if(equal(most_used_width, 0))
+ {
+ // the old value is the best
+ // just copy copy offsets
+ new_offsets.insert(new_offsets.end(), offset_iter1, offset_iter2);
- width_map.insert(iter, std::make_pair(target, 1));
+ // install new letter space
+ const double old_ls = state_iter1->letter_space;
+ state_iter1->ids[State::LETTER_SPACE_ID] = ls_manager.install(old_ls + most_used_width, &(state_iter1->letter_space));
+ letter_space_diff = old_ls - state_iter1->letter_space;
+ // update offsets
+ auto off_iter = offset_iter1;
+ // re-count number of offsets
+ offset_count = 0;
+ for(size_t cur_text_idx = text_idx1; cur_text_idx < text_idx2; ++cur_text_idx)
+ {
+ double cur_width = 0;
+ if((off_iter != offset_iter2) && (off_iter->start_idx == cur_text_idx + 1))
+ {
+ cur_width = off_iter->width + letter_space_diff;
+ ++off_iter;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cur_width = letter_space_diff ;
+ }
+ if(!equal(cur_width, 0))
+ {
+ new_offsets.push_back(Offset({cur_text_idx+1, cur_width}));
+ ++ offset_count;
+ }
+ }
- if(width_map.empty())
- {
- // if there is no offset at all
- // we just free word_space
- state_iter1->hash_umask |= word_space_umask;
- continue;
- }
- // set word_space for the most frequently used offset
- double most_used_width = 0;
- int max_count = 0;
- for(auto iter = width_map.begin(); iter != width_map.end(); ++iter)
- {
- if(iter->second > max_count)
- {
- max_count = iter->second;
- most_used_width = iter->first;
- }
- }
+ // Optimize word space
- state_iter1->word_space = 0;
- double new_word_space = most_used_width - state_iter1->single_space_offset();
- // install new word_space
- state_iter1->ids[State::WORD_SPACE_ID] = ws_manager.install(new_word_space, &(state_iter1->word_space));
- // mark that the word_space is not free
- state_iter1->hash_umask &= (~word_space_umask);
+ // In some PDF files all spaces are converted into positionig shift
+ // We may try to change (some of) them to ' ' by adjusting word_space
+ // for now, we cosider only the no-space scenario
+ // which also includes the case when param->space_as_offset is set
+ if(find(text_iter1, text_iter2, ' ') == text_iter2)
+ {
+ // if there is not any space, we may change the value of word_space arbitrarily
+ // note that we may only change word space, no offset will be affected
+ // The actual effect will emerge during flushing, where it could be detected that an offset can be optimized as a single space character
+ if(offset_count > 0)
+ {
+ double threshold = (state_iter1->em_size()) * (renderer->param->space_threshold);
+ // set word_space for the most frequently used offset
+ double most_used_width = 0;
+ int max_count = 0;
+ // if offset_count > 0, we must have updated width_map in the previous step
+ // find the most frequent width, with new letter space applied
+ for(auto iter = width_map.begin(); iter != width_map.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ double fixed_width = iter->first + letter_space_diff;
+ // we don't want to add spaces for tiny gaps, or even negative shifts
+ if((fixed_width >= threshold - EPS) && (iter->second > max_count))
+ {
+ max_count = iter->second;
+ most_used_width = fixed_width;
+ }
+ }
+ state_iter1->word_space = 0;
+ double new_word_space = most_used_width - state_iter1->single_space_offset();
+ // install new word_space
+ state_iter1->ids[State::WORD_SPACE_ID] = ws_manager.install(new_word_space, &(state_iter1->word_space));
+ // mark that the word_space is not free
+ state_iter1->hash_umask &= (~word_space_umask);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if there is no offset at all
+ // we just free word_space
+ state_iter1->hash_umask |= word_space_umask;
+ }
+ }
offset_iter1 = offset_iter2;
+ // apply optimization
+ std::swap(offsets, new_offsets);
// restore old eps
+ ls_manager.set_eps(old_ls_eps);