mirror of https://github.com/pdf2htmlEX/pdf2htmlEX.git synced 2024-07-02 16:25:41 +00:00

fixing tests

This commit is contained in:
Lu Wang 2015-03-17 13:47:29 +08:00
parent 88e5fade10
commit 61e5a18c40
9 changed files with 63 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ option(ENABLE_SVG "Enable SVG support, for generating SVG background images and
set(PDF2HTMLEX_VERSION "0.13.1")
set(PDF2HTMLEX_VERSION "0.13.2")
COMMAND git archive --prefix=${ARCHIVE_NAME}/ HEAD

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@ -157,12 +157,10 @@
unicode-bidi:bidi-override;/* For rtl languages, e.g. Hebrew, we don't want the default Unicode behaviour */
-moz-font-feature-settings:"liga" 0;/* We don't want Firefox to recognize ligatures */
.@CSS_LINE_CN@:after {
/* Workaround for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35443 */
.@CSS_LINE_CN@:after { /* webkit #35443 */
content: '';
.@CSS_LINE_CN@:before {
/* Workaround Blink(up to 41)/Webkit bug of word-spacing with leading spaces (chromium #404444 and pdf2htmlEX #412) */
.@CSS_LINE_CN@:before { /* Workaround Blink(up to 41)/Webkit bug of word-spacing with leading spaces (chromium #404444 and pdf2htmlEX #412) */
content: '';
display: inline-block;

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* Base CSS for pdf2htmlEX
* Copyright 2012,2013 Lu Wang <coolwanglu@gmail.com>
* https://github.com/coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX/blob/master/share/LICENSE
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/* CSS for test cases */
#page-container {
@ -41,21 +41,21 @@
@ -67,11 +67,18 @@
@ -96,9 +103,10 @@
@ -112,21 +120,21 @@
@ -136,11 +144,18 @@
@ -165,9 +180,10 @@
@ -178,7 +194,7 @@
<div id="page-container">
<div id="pf1" class="pf w0 h0" data-page-no="1"><div class="pc pc1 w0 h0"><img class="bi x0 y0 w1 h1" alt="" src="bg1.png"/><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0">Éditions « <span class="_ _0"></span>À Reproduire » Internet : www<span class="_ _0"></span>.en<span class="_ _0"></span>volee.com</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y2 ff2 fs1 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0">Question de textes 4</div><div class="t m0 x3 h4 y3 ff3 fs2 fc1 sc0 ls0 ws0">7</div><div class="t m0 x4 h2 y4 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0">Nom</div><div class="t m0 x5 h5 y5 ff4 fs3 fc1 sc0 ls0 ws0">Mona veut un chien</div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y6 ff3 fs4 fc1 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _1"> </span>4<span class="ff5 fc0"> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Que veut dire la mère de Mona quand elle dit : « Cest beaucoup de travail, avoir un chien » <span class="_ _3"></span>?</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y7 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _4"> </span>a) <span class="_ _1"> </span>Mona doit faire plus de recherche avant dêtre prête à avoir un chien.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y8 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws1">b) <span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span><span class="ls1 ws0">Les chiens travaillent fort afi<span class="_ _7"></span> <span class="_ _0"></span>n dêtre de bons animaux de compagnie pour les gens.</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y9 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws2">c) <span class="_ _8"></span> <span class="_ _9"></span><span class="ls1 ws0">Les chiens ont besoin de nourriture et dexercice. Il faut aussi ramasser leurs dégâts.</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 ya ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _4"> </span>d) <span class="_ _1"> </span>Mona devra se reposer plus si elle a un chien.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 yb ff3 fs4 fc1 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _1"> </span>5<span class="ff5 fc0"> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Comment Mona a-t-elle acquis autant de connaissances sur les chiens <span class="_ _3"></span>?</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 yc ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _4"> </span>a) <span class="_ _1"> </span>En écoutant son enseignante à lécole.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 yd ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _4"> </span>b) <span class="_ _1"> </span>En visitant un site W<span class="_ _3"></span>eb.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 ye ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _a"> </span>c) <span class="_ _1"> </span>En écrivant à la Société protectrice des animaux.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 yf ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _4"> </span>d) <span class="_ _1"> </span>En regardant une vidéo sur les chiens.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y10 ff3 fs4 fc1 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _1"> </span>6<span class="ff5 fc0"> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Pourquoi Mona veut-elle un Jack Russell <span class="_ _3"></span>?</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y11 ff3 fs4 fc1 sc0 ls3 ws0">7<span class="_ _b"></span><span class="ff5 fc0 ls0"> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Que devra faire Mona même si elle est fatiguée ou quil pleut <span class="_ _3"></span>?</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y12 ff3 fs4 fc1 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _1"> </span>8<span class="ff5 fc0"> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Décris physiquement le chien que Mona veut choisir<span class="_ _0"></span>.</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y13 ff3 fs4 fc1 sc0 ls3 ws0">9<span class="_ _b"></span><span class="ff5 fc0 ls0"> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Quand fait-elle ses recherches sur le W<span class="_ _c"></span>eb <span class="_ _3"></span>?</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y14 ff3 fs4 fc1 sc0 ls0 ws0"><span class="_ _d"></span>10<span class="ff5 fc0"> <span class="_ _e"> </span>Que contient le site W<span class="_ _c"></span>eb préféré de Mona <span class="_ _3"></span>? Nomme deux éléments.</span></div><div class="t m1 x7 h7 y15 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0">REPÉRAGE</div><input id="text-1-0" class="it" type="text" value="" style="position: absolute; left: 0.000000px; bottom: 0.000000px; width: 0.000000px; height: 0.000000px; line-height: 0.000000px; font-size: 0.000000px;" />
<div id="pf1" class="pf w0 h0" data-page-no="1"><div class="pc pc1 w0 h0"><img class="bi x0 y0 w1 h1" alt="" src="bg1.png"/><div class="t m0 x1 h2 y1 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0">Éditions « <span class="_ _0"></span>À Reproduire » Internet : www<span class="_ _0"></span>.en<span class="_ _0"></span>volee.com</div><div class="t m0 x2 h3 y2 ff2 fs1 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0">Question de textes 4</div><div class="t m0 x3 h4 y3 ff3 fs2 fc1 sc0 ls0 ws0">7</div><div class="t m0 x4 h2 y4 ff1 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0">Nom</div><div class="t m0 x5 h5 y5 ff4 fs3 fc1 sc0 ls0 ws0">Mona veut un chien</div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y6 ff5 fs4 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _1"> </span><span class="ff3 fc1">4</span> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Que veut dire la mère de Mona quand elle dit : « Cest beaucoup de travail, avoir un chien » <span class="_ _3"></span>?</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y7 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _4"> </span>a) <span class="_ _1"> </span>Mona doit faire plus de recherche avant dêtre prête à avoir un chien.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y8 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws1"> b) <span class="_ _5"></span> <span class="_ _6"></span><span class="ls1 ws0">Les chiens travaillent fort afi<span class="_ _7"></span> <span class="_ _0"></span>n dêtre de bons animaux de compagnie pour les gens.</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y9 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws2"> c) <span class="_ _8"></span> <span class="_ _9"></span><span class="ls1 ws0">Les chiens ont besoin de nourriture et dexercice. Il faut aussi ramasser leurs dégâts.</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 ya ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _4"> </span>d) <span class="_ _1"> </span>Mona devra se reposer plus si elle a un chien.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 yb ff5 fs4 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _1"> </span><span class="ff3 fc1">5</span> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Comment Mona a-t-elle acquis autant de connaissances sur les chiens <span class="_ _3"></span>?</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 yc ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _4"> </span>a) <span class="_ _1"> </span>En écoutant son enseignante à lécole.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 yd ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _4"> </span>b) <span class="_ _1"> </span>En visitant un site W<span class="_ _a"></span>eb.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 ye ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _b"> </span>c) <span class="_ _1"> </span>En écrivant à la Société protectrice des animaux.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 yf ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _4"> </span>d) <span class="_ _1"> </span>En regardant une vidéo sur les chiens.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y10 ff5 fs4 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _1"> </span><span class="ff3 fc1">6</span> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Pourquoi Mona veut-elle un Jack Russell <span class="_ _3"></span>?</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y11 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0"> </div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y12 ff3 fs4 fc1 sc0 ls3 ws0"> 7<span class="_ _a"></span><span class="ff5 fc0 ls0"> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Que devra faire Mona même si elle est fatiguée ou quil pleut <span class="_ _3"></span>?</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y13 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0"> </div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y14 ff5 fs4 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _1"> </span><span class="ff3 fc1">8</span> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Décris physiquement le chien que Mona veut choisir<span class="_ _0"></span>.</div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y15 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0"> </div><div class="t m0 x7 h7 y16 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> </div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y17 ff3 fs4 fc1 sc0 ls3 ws0"> 9<span class="_ _a"></span><span class="ff5 fc0 ls0"> <span class="_ _2"> </span>Quand fait-elle ses recherches sur le Web <span class="_ _3"></span>?</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y18 ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0"> </div><div class="t m0 x6 h6 y19 ff3 fs4 fc1 sc0 ls0 ws0"> <span class="_ _c"></span>10<span class="ff5 fc0"> <span class="_ _d"> </span>Que contient le site W<span class="_ _e"></span>eb préféré de Mona <span class="_ _3"></span>? Nomme deux éléments.</span></div><div class="t m0 x6 h7 y1a ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls2 ws0"> </div><div class="t m0 x7 h7 y1b ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0"> </div><div class="t m1 x8 h7 y1c ff6 fs0 fc0 sc0 ls0 ws0">REPÉRAGE</div><input id="text-1-0" class="it" type="text" value="" style="position: absolute; left: 0.000000px; bottom: 0.000000px; width: 0.000000px; height: 0.000000px; line-height: 0.000000px; font-size: 0.000000px;" />
<div id="cb-1-1" class="ir" style="position: absolute; left: 0.000000px; bottom: 0.000000px; width: 3.000000px; height: 3.000000px; background-size: cover;" ></div>
<div id="cb-1-2" class="ir" style="position: absolute; left: 0.000000px; bottom: 0.000000px; width: 3.000000px; height: 3.000000px; background-size: cover;" ></div>
<div id="cb-1-3" class="ir" style="position: absolute; left: 0.000000px; bottom: 0.000000px; width: 3.000000px; height: 3.000000px; background-size: cover;" ></div>