mirror of https://github.com/PlagiarismCheck/moodle-plagiarism_pchkorg.git synced 2024-12-22 12:10:08 +00:00
Leon Stringer 1d568254bf 27 Fix The 'name' value must be set in other
With this plugin's "Enable plugin" setting set to No, editing an
activity's settings resulted in the error "Coding error detected, it must
be fixed by a programmer: The 'name' value must be set in other.".
2022-10-06 21:01:32 +01:00

1347 lines
53 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @package plagiarism_pchkorg
* @category plagiarism
* @copyright PlagiarismCheck.org, https://plagiarismcheck.org/
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/plagiarism/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/accesslib.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/classes/plagiarism_pchkorg_config_model.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/classes/plagiarism_pchkorg_api_provider.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/classes/permissions/capability.class.php');
use plagiarism_pchkorg\classes\permissions\capability;
function pchkorg_check_pchkorg_min_percent($value)
return 0 <= $value && $value < 100;
function plagiarism_pchkorg_coursemodule_standard_elements($formwrapper, $mform)
$context = context_course::instance($formwrapper->get_course()->id);
$modulename = $formwrapper->get_current()->modulename;
$allowedmodules = array('assign', 'mod_assign');
if (!$context || !isset($modulename)) {
global $DB;
$pchkorgconfigmodel = new plagiarism_pchkorg_config_model();
$config = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_use');
$enabled = has_capability(capability::ENABLE, $context);
if ( '1' === $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_enable_quiz')) {
$allowedmodules[] = 'quiz';
if ( '1' === $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_enable_forum')) {
$allowedmodules[] = 'forum';
if ('1' == $config && $enabled) {
if (!in_array($modulename, $allowedmodules, true)) {
$defaultcmid = null;
$cm = optional_param('update', $defaultcmid, PARAM_INT);
$minpercent = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_min_percent');
$exportedvalues = $mform->exportValues([]);
if (!is_array($exportedvalues)) {
$exportedvalues = array();
if (!isset($exportedvalues['pchkorg_exclude_self_plagiarism'])
|| is_null($exportedvalues['pchkorg_exclude_self_plagiarism'])) {
$mform->setDefault('pchkorg_exclude_self_plagiarism', 1);
if (!isset($exportedvalues['pchkorg_include_referenced'])
|| is_null($exportedvalues['pchkorg_include_referenced'])) {
$mform->setDefault('pchkorg_include_referenced', 0);
if (!isset($exportedvalues['pchkorg_include_citation'])
|| is_null($exportedvalues['pchkorg_include_citation'])) {
$mform->setDefault('pchkorg_include_citation', 0);
if (!isset($exportedvalues['pchkorg_student_can_see_report']) || is_null(
)) {
$mform->setDefault('pchkorg_student_can_see_report', 1);
if (!isset($exportedvalues['pchkorg_student_can_see_widget']) || is_null(
)) {
$mform->setDefault('pchkorg_student_can_see_widget', 1);
if (null === $cm) {
if (!isset($exportedvalues['pchkorg_module_use'])
|| is_null($exportedvalues['pchkorg_module_use'])) {
$mform->setDefault('pchkorg_module_use', '1');
} else {
$records = $DB->get_records('plagiarism_pchkorg_config', array(
'cm' => $cm,
if (!empty($records)) {
foreach ($records as $record) {
$mform->setDefault($record->name, $record->value);
get_string('pluginname', 'plagiarism_pchkorg')
get_string('pchkorg_module_use', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
array(get_string('no'), get_string('yes'))
$mform->addHelpButton('pchkorg_module_use', 'pchkorg_module_use', 'plagiarism_pchkorg');
$canchangeminpercent = has_capability(capability::CHANGE_MIN_PERCENT_FILTER, $context);
if ($canchangeminpercent) {
$dissabledattribute = '';
} else {
$dissabledattribute = 'disabled="disabled"';
$label = get_string('pchkorg_min_percent', 'plagiarism_pchkorg');
if (!empty($minpercent)) {
$label = \str_replace('X%', $minpercent . '%', $label);
$mform->addHelpButton('pchkorg_min_percent', 'pchkorg_min_percent', 'plagiarism_pchkorg');
get_string('pchkorg_min_percent_range', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
$mform->setType('pchkorg_min_percent', PARAM_INT);
get_string('pchkorg_exclude_self_plagiarism', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
array(get_string('no'), get_string('yes'))
get_string('pchkorg_include_referenced', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
array(get_string('no'), get_string('yes'))
get_string('pchkorg_include_citation', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
array(get_string('no'), get_string('yes'))
get_string('pchkorg_student_can_see_widget', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
array(get_string('no'), get_string('yes'))
get_string('pchkorg_student_can_see_report', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
array(get_string('no'), get_string('yes'))
function plagiarism_pchkorg_coursemodule_edit_post_actions($data, $course)
global $DB;
$pchkorgconfigmodel = new plagiarism_pchkorg_config_model();
$config = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_use');
if ('1' != $config) {
return $data;
$fields = array(
$records = $DB->get_records('plagiarism_pchkorg_config', array(
'cm' => $data->coursemodule
$context = context_module::instance($data->coursemodule);
$canchangeminpercent = has_capability(capability::CHANGE_MIN_PERCENT_FILTER, $context);
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$isfounded = false;
foreach ($records as $record) {
if ($record->name === $field) {
$isfounded = true;
if ($field === 'pchkorg_min_percent' && !$canchangeminpercent) {
$DB->delete_records('plagiarism_pchkorg_config', array('id' => $record->id));
if ($field === 'pchkorg_min_percent' && 0 == $data->{$record->name}) {
$DB->delete_records('plagiarism_pchkorg_config', array('id' => $record->id));
$record->value = $data->{$record->name};
$DB->update_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_config', $record);
if (!$isfounded && isset($data->{$field})) {
if ($field === 'pchkorg_min_percent' && !$canchangeminpercent) {
if ($field === 'pchkorg_min_percent' && 0 == $data->{$field}) {
$insert = new \stdClass();
$insert->cm = $data->coursemodule;
$insert->name = $field;
$insert->value = $data->{$field};
$DB->insert_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_config', $insert);
return $data;
* Class plagiarism_plugin_pchkorg
class plagiarism_plugin_pchkorg extends plagiarism_plugin {
* hook to allow plagiarism specific information to be displayed beside a submission.
* @param array $linkarraycontains all relevant information for the plugin to generate a link
* @return string
public function get_links($linkarray) {
global $DB, $USER, $PAGE;
$pchkorgconfigmodel = new plagiarism_pchkorg_config_model();
$apitoken = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_token');
$isdebugenabled = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_enable_debug') === '1';
$apiprovider = new plagiarism_pchkorg_api_provider($apitoken);
$cmid = $linkarray['cmid'];
if (array_key_exists('file', $linkarray)) {
$file = $linkarray['file'];
} else {
// Online text submission.
$file = null;
// We can do nothing with submissions which we can not handle.
if (null !== $file && !$apiprovider->is_supported_mime($file->get_mimetype())) {
return $this->exit_message(
'%s (%s)',
get_string('pchkorg_debug_mime', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
// SQL will be called only once, result is static.
$config = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_use');
if ('1' !== $config) {
return $this->exit_message(
get_string('pchkorg_debug_disabled', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
$context = null;
$component = !empty($linkarray['component']) ? $linkarray['component'] : '';
if ($cmid === null && $component == 'qtype_essay' && !empty($linkarray['area'])) {
$questions = question_engine::load_questions_usage_by_activity($linkarray['area']);
$context = $questions->get_owning_context();
if ($cmid === null && $context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) {
$cmid = $context->instanceid;
if (!empty($cmid)) {
$context = context_module::instance($cmid);// Get context of course.
if (empty($context)) {
return $this->exit_message(
get_string('pchkorg_debug_empty_context', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
$roleDatas = get_user_roles($context, $USER->id, true);
$roles = [];
foreach ($roleDatas as $rolesData) {
$roles[] = strtolower($rolesData->shortname);
// Moodle has multiple roles in courses.
$isstudent = in_array('student', $roles)
&& !in_array('teacher', $roles)
&& !in_array('editingteacher', $roles)
&& !in_array('managerteacher', $roles);
$canview = has_capability(capability::VIEW_SIMILARITY, $context);
if (!$canview) {
return $this->exit_message(
get_string('pchkorg_debug_user_has_no_permission', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
// SQL will be called only once per page. There is static result inside.
if (!$pchkorgconfigmodel->is_enabled_for_module($cmid)) {
return $this->exit_message(
get_string('pchkorg_debug_disabled_acitivity', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
// Widget for student is disabled.
if ($isstudent && $pchkorgconfigmodel->show_widget_for_student($cmid) === false) {
return $this->exit_message(
get_string('pchkorg_debug_student_not_allowed_see_widget', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
$isreportallowed = !$isstudent || $pchkorgconfigmodel->show_report_for_student($cmid) === true;
// Only for some type of account, method will call a remote HTTP API.
// The API will be called only once, because result is static.
// Also, there is timeout 2 seconds for response.
// Even if service will be unavailable, method will try call API only once.
// Also, we don't use raw user email.
if (!$apiprovider->is_group_member($USER->email)) {
return $this->exit_message(
'%s (%s)',
get_string('pchkorg_debug_not_member', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
$isgranted = !empty($context) && has_capability('mod/assign:view', $context, null);
if (!$isgranted) {
return $this->exit_message(
'%s (%s)',
get_string('pchkorg_debug_user_has_no_capability', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
$where = new \stdClass();
$where->cm = $cmid;
if ($file === null) {
$where->signature = sha1($linkarray['content']);
$where->fileid = null;
} else {
$where->fileid = $file->get_id();
$filerecords = $DB->get_records('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', (array) $where,
'id', '*', 0, 1);
if (!$filerecords && $file === null) {
$where->signature = sha1(trim(strip_tags($linkarray['content'])));
$where->fileid = null;
$filerecords = $DB->get_records('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', (array) $where,
'id', '*', 0, 1);
if ($filerecords) {
$filerecord = end($filerecords);
$img = new moodle_url('/plagiarism/pchkorg/pix/icon.png');
$imgsrc = $img->__toString();
// Text had been successfully checked.
if ($filerecord->state == 5) {
$action = $apiprovider->get_report_action($filerecord->textid);
$reporttoken = $apiprovider->generate_api_token();
$score = $filerecord->score;
$title = sprintf(get_string('pchkorg_label_title', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
$label = sprintf(get_string('pchkorg_label_result', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'), $filerecord->textid, $score);
if ($score < 30) {
$color = '#63ec80a1';
} else if (30 < $score && $score < 60) {
$color = '#f7b011';
} else {
$color = '#f04343';
$jsdata = array(
'id' => $filerecord->id,
'title' => $title,
'action' => $action,
'token' => $reporttoken,
'image' => $imgsrc,
'label' => $label,
'color' => $color,
'isreportallowed' => $isreportallowed,
static $isjsfuncinjected = false;
if (!$isjsfuncinjected) {
$isjsfuncinjected = true;
window.plagiarism_check_data = [];
window.plagiarism_check_full_report = function (action, token) {
const form = document.createElement('form');
const element1 = document.createElement('input');
const element2 = document.createElement('input');
form.method = 'POST';
form.target = '_blank';
form.action = action;
element1.value = 'moodle';
element1.name = 'lms-type';
element1.type = 'hidden';
element2.value = token;
element2.name = 'token';
element2.type = 'hidden';
require(['jquery'], function ($) {
$(function () {
var spans = window.document.getElementsByClassName('plagiarism-pchkorg-widget');
for (var s in spans) {
var span = spans[s];
if (span) {
for (var c in span.classList) {
var classname = span.classList[c];
if (classname && classname.includes('plagiarism-pchkorg-widget-id-')) {
var id = classname.replace('plagiarism-pchkorg-widget-id-', '');
if (id) {
for (var d in window.plagiarism_check_data) {
var data = window.plagiarism_check_data[d];
if (data && data.id == id) {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', '#');
a.setAttribute('title', data.title);
a.setAttribute('data-id', data.id);
a.style.padding = '5px 3px';
a.style.textDecoration = 'none';
a.style.backgroundColor = data.color;
a.style.color = 'black';
a.style.cursor = 'pointer';
a.style.borderRadius = '3px 3px 3px 3px';
a.style.margin = '4px';
a.style.display = 'inline-block';
var label = document.createTextNode(data.label);
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.setAttribute('alt', 'PlagiarismCheck.org');
img.setAttribute('src', data.image);
img.setAttribute('width', '20');
$(window.document.body).on('click', '.plagiarism-pchkorg-widget', function(e) {
var id = $(e.target).closest('a').attr('data-id')
if (id) {
for (var d in window.plagiarism_check_data) {
var data = window.plagiarism_check_data[d];
if (data && data.id == id && data.isreportallowed) {
window.plagiarism_check_full_report(data.action, data.token);
return false;
return '
<span class="plagiarism-pchkorg-widget plagiarism-pchkorg-widget-id-'.$filerecord->id.'"></span>';
} else if ($filerecord->state == 10) {
$label = get_string('pchkorg_label_queued', 'plagiarism_pchkorg');
return '
<span style="padding: 5px 3px;
text-decoration: none;
background-color: #eeeded;
color: black;
border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
margin: 4px;
display: inline-block;"
href="#" class="plagiarism_pchkorg_report_id_score">
<img src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="logo" width="20" />
' . $label . '
} else if ($filerecord->state == 12) {
$label = sprintf(get_string('pchkorg_label_sent', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'), $filerecord->textid);
return '
<span style="padding: 5px 3px;
text-decoration: none;
background-color: #eeeded;
color: black;
border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
margin: 4px;
display: inline-block;"
href="#" class="plagiarism_pchkorg_report_id_score">
<img src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="logo" width="20" />
' . $label . '
} else {
return $this->exit_message(
'%s (%s)',
get_string('pchkorg_debug_status_error', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
return $this->exit_message(
'%s (%s)',
get_string('pchkorg_debug_no_check', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'),
* Render message with reason why do we stop plugin.
* @param string $message - exit message
* @param bool $debug - is debug enabled.
* @return string
private function exit_message($message, $debug) {
if ($debug) {
return $message;
return '';
* hook to save plagiarism specific settings on a module settings page
* @param object $data - data from an mform submission.
* @throws dml_exception
public function save_form_elements($data) {
return plagiarism_pchkorg_coursemodule_edit_post_actions($data, null);
* hook to allow a disclosure to be printed notifying users what will happen with their submission.
* @param int $cmid - course module id
* @return string
public function print_disclosure($cmid) {
global $OUTPUT;
if (empty($cmid)) {
return '';
// Get course details.
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $cmid);
if (!$cm) {
return '';
$configmodel = new plagiarism_pchkorg_config_model();
$enabled = $configmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_use');
if ($enabled !== '1') {
return '';
$modulename = $cm->modname;
$allowedmodules = array('assign', 'mod_assign');
if ($configmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_enable_quiz')) {
$allowedmodules[] = 'quiz';
if ($configmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_enable_forum')) {
$allowedmodules[] = 'forum';
if (!in_array($modulename, $allowedmodules, true)) {
return '';
if (!$configmodel->is_enabled_for_module($cmid)) {
return '';
$result = '';
$result .= $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter', 'intro');
$formatoptions = new stdClass;
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$formatoptions->cmid = $cmid;
$result .= '<div style="background-color: #d5ffd5; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #b7dab7">';
$result .= format_text(get_string('pchkorg_disclosure', 'plagiarism_pchkorg'), FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions);
$result .= '</div>';
$result .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
return $result;
* Method will handle event assessable_uploaded.
* @param $eventdata
* @return bool
* @throws coding_exception
* @throws dml_exception
public function event_handler($eventdata) {
global $USER, $DB;
$modulename = $eventdata['other']['modulename'];
$allowedmodules = array('assign', 'mod_assign');
// We support only assign module so just ignore all other.
$pchkorgconfigmodel = new plagiarism_pchkorg_config_model();
// Token is needed for API auth.
$apitoken = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_token');
$apiprovider = new plagiarism_pchkorg_api_provider($apitoken);
// SQL will be called only once, result is static.
$config = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_use');
if ('1' !== $config) {
return true;
if ('1' === $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_enable_quiz')) {
$allowedmodules[] = 'quiz';
if ('1' === $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_enable_forum')) {
$allowedmodules[] = 'forum';
if (!in_array($modulename, $allowedmodules, true)) {
return true;
// Receive couser moudle id.
$cmid = $eventdata['contextinstanceid'];
// Remove the event if the course module no longer exists.
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id($eventdata['other']['modulename'], $cmid);
if (!$cm) {
return true;
// SQL will be called only once per page. There is static result inside.
// Plugin is enabled for this module.
if (!$pchkorgconfigmodel->is_enabled_for_module($cm->id)) {
return true;
// Only for some type of account, method will call a remote HTTP API.
// The API will be called only once, because result is static.
// Also, there is timeout 2 seconds for response.
// Even if service is unavailable, method will try call only once.
// Also, we don't use raw users email.
if (!$apiprovider->is_group_member($USER->email)) {
return true;
// Set the author and submitter.
$submitter = $eventdata['userid'];
$author = (!empty($eventdata['relateduserid'])) ? $eventdata['relateduserid'] : $eventdata['userid'];
// Related user ID will be NULL if an instructor submits on behalf of a student who is in a group.
// To get around this, we get the group ID, get the group members and set the author as the first student in the group.
if ((empty($eventdata['relateduserid'])) && ($eventdata['other']['modulename'] == 'assign')
&& has_capability('mod/assign:editothersubmission', context_module::instance($cm->id), $submitter)) {
$moodlesubmission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('id' => $eventdata['objectid']), 'id, groupid');
if (!empty($moodlesubmission->groupid)) {
$author = $this->get_first_group_author($cm->course, $moodlesubmission->groupid);
if ($eventdata['other']['modulename'] === 'forum'
&& $eventdata['eventtype'] === 'forum_attachment') {
if (!empty($eventdata['other']['content'])) {
$content = trim(strip_tags($eventdata['other']['content']));
if (strlen($content) > 80) {
$signature = sha1($content);
$filesconditions = array(
'signature' => $signature,
'cm' => $cmid,
'userid' => $USER->id,
'itemid' => $eventdata['objectid']
$oldfile = $DB->get_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filesconditions);
if (!$oldfile) {
$filerecord = new \stdClass();
$filerecord->fileid = null;
$filerecord->cm = $cmid;
$filerecord->userid = $USER->id;
$filerecord->textid = null;
$filerecord->state = 10;
$filerecord->created_at = time();
$filerecord->itemid = $eventdata['objectid'];
$filerecord->signature = $signature;
$DB->insert_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filerecord);
if (!empty($eventdata['other']['pathnamehashes'])) {
foreach ($eventdata['other']['pathnamehashes'] as $pathnamehash) {
$file = get_file_storage()->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash);
if (!$file) {
// We can not find file so we do not send it in queue.
} else {
try {
// Check that we can fetch content without exception.
$content = $file->get_content();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// No we can not.
if ($file->get_filename() === '.') {
$filemime = $file->get_mimetype();
// File type is not supported.
if (!$apiprovider->is_supported_mime($filemime)) {
$signature = sha1($content);
$filesconditions = array(
'fileid' => $file->get_id()
$oldfile = $DB->get_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filesconditions);
if (!$oldfile) {
$filerecord = new \stdClass();
$filerecord->fileid = $file->get_id();
$filerecord->cm = $cmid;
$filerecord->userid = $USER->id;
$filerecord->textid = null;
$filerecord->state = 10;
$filerecord->created_at = time();
$filerecord->itemid = $eventdata['objectid'];
$filerecord->signature = $signature;
$DB->insert_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filerecord);
return true;
if ($eventdata['other']['modulename'] === 'quiz'
&& $eventdata['eventtype'] === 'quiz_submitted') {
$attempt = quiz_attempt::create($eventdata['objectid']);
foreach ($attempt->get_slots() as $slot) {
$questionattempt = $attempt->get_question_attempt($slot);
$qtype = $questionattempt->get_question()->qtype;
if ($qtype instanceof qtype_essay) {
$attachments = $questionattempt->get_last_qt_files('attachments', $eventdata['contextid']);
$content = $questionattempt->get_response_summary();
if (strlen($content) > 80) {
$signature = sha1($content);
$filesconditions = array(
'signature' => $signature,
'cm' => $cmid,
'userid' => $USER->id,
'itemid' => $eventdata['objectid']
$oldfile = $DB->get_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filesconditions);
if ($oldfile) {
// There is the same check in database, so we can skip this one.
return true;
$filerecord = new \stdClass();
$filerecord->fileid = null;
$filerecord->cm = $cmid;
$filerecord->userid = $USER->id;
$filerecord->textid = null;
$filerecord->state = 10;
$filerecord->created_at = time();
$filerecord->itemid = $eventdata['objectid'];
$filerecord->signature = $signature;
$DB->insert_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filerecord);
foreach ($attachments as $pathnamehash => $file) {
if (!$file) {
// We can not find file so we do not send it in queue.
} else {
try {
// Check that we can fetch content without exception.
$content = $file->get_content();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// No we can not.
if ($file->get_filename() === '.') {
$filemime = $file->get_mimetype();
// File type is not supported.
if (!$apiprovider->is_supported_mime($filemime)) {
$signature = sha1($content);
$filesconditions = array(
'fileid' => $file->get_id()
$oldfile = $DB->get_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filesconditions);
if (!$oldfile) {
$filerecord = new \stdClass();
$filerecord->fileid = $file->get_id();
$filerecord->cm = $cmid;
$filerecord->userid = $USER->id;
$filerecord->textid = null;
$filerecord->state = 10;
$filerecord->created_at = time();
$filerecord->itemid = $eventdata['objectid'];
$filerecord->signature = $signature;
$DB->insert_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filerecord);
// Get actual text content and files to be submitted for draft submissions.
// As this won't be present in eventdata for certain event types.
if ($eventdata['other']['modulename'] === 'assign'
&& $eventdata['eventtype'] === 'assessable_submitted') {
// Get content.
$moodlesubmission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('id' => $eventdata['objectid']), 'id');
$moodletextsubmission = $DB->get_record('assignsubmission_onlinetext',
array('submission' => $moodlesubmission->id), 'onlinetext');
if ($moodletextsubmission) {
$eventdata['other']['content'] = $moodletextsubmission->onlinetext;
$filesconditions = array(
'component' => 'assignsubmission_file',
'itemid' => $moodlesubmission->id,
'userid' => $author
$moodlefiles = $DB->get_records('files', $filesconditions);
if ($moodlefiles) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
foreach ($moodlefiles as $filedb) {
$file = $fs->get_file_by_id($filedb->id);
if (!$file) {
// We can not find file so we do not send it in queue.
} else {
try {
// Check that we can fetch content without exception.
$content = $file->get_content();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// No we can not.
if ($file->get_filename() === '.') {
$filemime = $file->get_mimetype();
// File type is not supported.
if (!$apiprovider->is_supported_mime($filemime)) {
$filerecord = new \stdClass();
$filerecord->fileid = $file->get_id();
$filerecord->cm = $cmid;
$filerecord->userid = $USER->id;
$filerecord->textid = null;
$filerecord->state = 10;
$filerecord->created_at = time();
$filerecord->itemid = $eventdata['objectid'];
$filerecord->signature = sha1($content);
$DB->insert_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filerecord);
// Queue text content to send to plagiarismcheck.org.
// If there was an error when creating the assignment then still queue the submission so it can be saved as failed.
if ($eventdata['other']['modulename'] === 'assign'
&& in_array($eventdata['eventtype'], array("content_uploaded", "assessable_submitted"))
&& !empty($eventdata['other']['content'])) {
$signature = sha1($eventdata['other']['content']);
$filesconditions = array(
'signature' => $signature,
'cm' => $cmid,
'userid' => $USER->id,
'itemid' => $eventdata['objectid']
$oldfile = $DB->get_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filesconditions);
if ($oldfile) {
// There is the same check in database, so we can skip this one.
return true;
$filerecord = new \stdClass();
$filerecord->fileid = null;
$filerecord->cm = $cmid;
$filerecord->userid = $USER->id;
$filerecord->textid = null;
$filerecord->state = 10;
$filerecord->created_at = time();
$filerecord->itemid = $eventdata['objectid'];
$filerecord->signature = $signature;
$DB->insert_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filerecord);
return true;
* Will find the first user in group assignment.
* @param $cmid
* @param $groupid
* @return mixed
* @throws coding_exception
private function get_first_group_author($cmid, $groupid) {
static $context;
if (empty($context)) {
$context = context_course::instance($cmid);
$groupmembers = groups_get_members($groupid, "u.id");
foreach ($groupmembers as $author) {
if (!has_capability('mod/assign:grade', $context, $author->id)) {
return $author->id;
* Method will be called by cron. Method sends queued files into plagiarism check system.
* @return bool
* @throws coding_exception
* @throws dml_exception
public function cron_send_submissions() {
global $DB;
$pchkorgconfigmodel = new plagiarism_pchkorg_config_model();
$apitoken = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_token');
$apiprovider = new plagiarism_pchkorg_api_provider($apitoken);
// SQL will be called only once, result is static.
$config = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_use');
if ('1' !== $config) {
return true;
$filesconditions = array('state' => 10);
$moodlefiles = $DB->get_records(
if ($moodlefiles) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
foreach ($moodlefiles as $filedb) {
$textid = null;
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $filedb->userid));
// This is attached file.
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $filedb->cm);
// Filter for future search.
$systemminpercent = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_min_percent');
// Module filter value has a bigger priority then system config value.
$moduleminpercent = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_filter_for_module($cm->id, 'pchkorg_min_percent');
if ($moduleminpercent) {
$minpercent = $moduleminpercent;
} else {
$minpercent = $systemminpercent;
$filters = [
'include_references' => $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_filter_for_module(
'include_quotes' => $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_filter_for_module(
'exclude_self_plagiarism' => $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_filter_for_module(
if ($minpercent) {
$filters['source_min_percent'] = $minpercent;
$agreementwhere = array(
'cm' => 0,
'name' => 'accepted_agreement',
'value' => '1',
$agreementaccepted = $DB->get_records('plagiarism_pchkorg_config', $agreementwhere);
if (empty($agreementaccepted)) {
$DB->insert_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_config', $agreementwhere);
if ($cm->modname === 'quiz') {
if ($filedb->fileid === null) {
$questionanswers = $DB->get_records_sql(
"SELECT {question_attempts}.responsesummary "
." FROM {question_attempts} "
." INNER JOIN {question} on {question}.id = {question_attempts}.questionid "
." WHERE {question_attempts}.questionusageid = ? AND {question}.qtype = 'essay' ", array(
foreach ($questionanswers as $questionanswer) {
$content = $questionanswer->responsesummary;
$signature = sha1($content);
if ($signature === $filedb->signature) {
$textid = $apiprovider->general_send_check(
html_to_text($content, 75, false),
sprintf('%s-quiz.txt', $filedb->itemid),
} else {
$file = $fs->get_file_by_id($filedb->fileid);
// We can not receive file by id.
// Maybe file does not exist anymore.
// So we mark it as error and continue.
if (!$file || !is_object($file)) {
$filedbnew = new stdClass();
$filedbnew->id = $filedb->id;
$filedbnew->attempt = $filedb->attempt + 1;
$filedbnew->state = 11; // Sending error.
$DB->update_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filedbnew);
$textid = $apiprovider->general_send_check(
if ($cm->modname === 'forum') {
if ($filedb->fileid === null) {
$post = $DB->get_record_sql(
"SELECT subject, message"
." FROM {forum_posts}"
." WHERE {forum_posts}.id = ?", array(
if ($post) {
$subject = $post->subject;
$content = $post->message;
$signature = sha1($content);
$ismatched = false;
if ($signature === $filedb->signature) {
$ismatched = true;
if (!$ismatched) {
$signature = sha1(trim(strip_tags($content)));
if ($signature === $filedb->signature) {
$ismatched = true;
if ($ismatched) {
$textid = $apiprovider->general_send_check(
html_to_text($content, 75, false),
sprintf('%s-quiz.txt', $filedb->itemid),
} else {
$moodlesubmission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array(
'assignment' => $cm->instance,
'userid' => $filedb->userid,
'id' => $filedb->itemid,
), 'id');
$file = $fs->get_file_by_id($filedb->fileid);
// We can not receive file by id.
// Maybe file does not exist anymore.
// So we mark it as error and continue.
if (!$file || !is_object($file)) {
$filedbnew = new stdClass();
$filedbnew->id = $filedb->id;
$filedbnew->attempt = $filedb->attempt + 1;
$filedbnew->state = 11; // Sending error.
$DB->update_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filedbnew);
$textid = $apiprovider->general_send_check(
if ($cm->modname === 'assign') {
if ($filedb->fileid === null) {
$moodletextsubmission = $DB->get_record(
array('submission' => $filedb->itemid),
if ($moodletextsubmission) {
$content = $moodletextsubmission->onlinetext;
$textid = $apiprovider->general_send_check(
html_to_text($content, 75, false),
sprintf('%s-submussion.txt', $moodletextsubmission->id),
} else {
$moodlesubmission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array(
'assignment' => $cm->instance,
'userid' => $filedb->userid,
'id' => $filedb->itemid,
), 'id');
$file = $fs->get_file_by_id($filedb->fileid);
// We can not receive file by id.
// Maybe file does not exist anymore.
// So we mark it as error and continue.
if (!$file || !is_object($file)) {
$filedbnew = new stdClass();
$filedbnew->id = $filedb->id;
$filedbnew->attempt = $filedb->attempt + 1;
$filedbnew->state = 11; // Sending error.
$DB->update_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filedbnew);
$textid = $apiprovider->general_send_check(
$filedbnew = new stdClass();
$filedbnew->id = $filedb->id;
if ($textid) {
// Text was successfully sent to the service.
$filedbnew->textid = $textid;
$filedbnew->state = 12; // 12 - is SENT.
} else {
$filedbnew->attempt = $filedb->attempt + 1;
if ($filedbnew->attempt > 6) {
$filedbnew->state = 11; // Sending error.
$DB->update_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filedbnew);
return true;
* Method will update similarity score and change status of checks.
* @return bool
* @throws dml_exception
public function cron_update_reports() {
global $DB;
$pchkorgconfigmodel = new plagiarism_pchkorg_config_model();
$apitoken = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_token');
$apiprovider = new plagiarism_pchkorg_api_provider($apitoken);
// SQL will be called only once, result is static.
$config = $pchkorgconfigmodel->get_system_config('pchkorg_use');
if ('1' !== $config) {
return true;
$filesconditions = array('state' => 12);
$moodlefiles = $DB->get_records('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filesconditions,
'id', '*', 0, 20);
foreach ($moodlefiles as $filedb) {
$report = $apiprovider->check_text($filedb->textid);
if ($report !== null) {
$filedbnew = new stdClass();
$filedbnew->id = $filedb->id;
$filedbnew->state = 5;
$filedbnew->reportid = $report->id;
$filedbnew->score = $report->percent;
$DB->update_record('plagiarism_pchkorg_files', $filedbnew);